Unit 4: Miracles of Jesus
- Observable events that the laws of nature cannot explain.
- Scripture calls them, "Works, wonders, and signs which accompany God's word."
- Powerful signs of God's presence and action.
- Evidence of Jesus' mission:
- To free us from sin
- Nature Miracles: power over?
- Physical healings: power over?
- Raisings from death: power over?
Wedding at Cana
John 2:1-11
Background on Jewish Weddings
- Wedding receptions = 7 days
- Lavish hospitality = sacred duty
- Shame and embarrassment
Jesus' response to Mary as "Woman"
- Not disrespectful
- Formal
- Jesus doesn't break commandments
"Why is Mary telling Jesus, "There is no wine?"
No Wine
- Connection to Old Testament prophecies
- God will provide miraculous wine
- Jesus providing wine reveals he is the long awaited Messiah.
- Jews would know that the Messiah would provide "abundant" wine as the prophecies stated
Jesus' role as "bridegroom"
- Jesus reveals that he is not only the Messiah but also the bridegroom
- Bridegroom's responsibility to provide the wine for the reception
- Jesus steps in and provides when the bridegroom of the story fails to do so
- Prophecies are being fulfilled through Jesus
- He is revealing the mystery of his divine identity
Why does Jesus say, "My hour has not yet come?"
Jesus' hour
- Jesus' response to Mary when she tells him there is no wine.
- Jesus does not feel it is the right time to reveal himself
- Divinity
- Mary has a different opinion
- "My hour"
- Refers to the Crucifixion
- Jesus know once he reveals himself as "divine", he will begin his journey towards crucifixion
What does this miracle teach us?
- Mary
- Teaches us to put our problems in God's hands and trust him completely
- She told Jesus the problem and left it up to him
- Ask for Mary's intercession
- Jesus as bridegroom
- He provides for us and provides in abundance!
- We just need to ask
- He used what was there - ordinary items - to make something extraordinary happen
Feeding the 5,000
John 6:1-14
Background to the passage
- Jesus and disciples had just returned from traveling and just learned of John the Baptist's death
- Wanted to be alone to grieve and rest
- Sailed out in the boat to find some peace
- Crowd was forming on the shore
- Jesus and the disciples sail back in to preach to the crowd
What's happening?
- Preaches to the 5,000 all afternoon
- Dinner time
- Jesus tells the disciples to give the crowd something to eat
- WHAT?!
- A small boy has some food packed
- 5 loaves and 2 fish
- Jesus multiples it and feeds the crowd!
- 12 baskets left over
Connection to the Last Supper
- This passage connects to the Last Supper
- Take, loaves, give thanks, break, distribute
- Institution of the Eucharist
- Eucharistic = Holy Communion
Bread of Life Discourse
- "I am the Bread of Life"
- “For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.”
- When we eat his flesh and drink his blood, God truly lives within us and we within Him.
- Jesus was speaking LITERALLY not METAPHORICALLY
- Transubstantiation
- The miraculous change by which the bread and wine are consecrated into the body and blood of Christ while keeping only the appearances of bread and wine
- Total transformation into the REAL PRESENCE of Jesus
- God is enough!
- Feel overwhelmed
- We ONLY have 5 loaves and 2 fish
- Conversion/change
- Inadequate
- Contribution and commitment
Matthew 14:22-33
Jesus walks on water
- People feared large bodies of water
- Chaos/hell
- Sea of Galilee subject to violent storms
- Few could swim
What's happening?
- After feeding of 5,000
- Thought Jesus was a ghost
- Peter
- Doubted
- Believed he was the Messiah
Dispel Disillusionment
- Think Jesus is a ghost
- Bad to worse
- We make things worse in our head
Dispel Disillusionment
Defeat Distractions
Defeat Distraction
- Peter leaves boat when he realizes it's Jesus
- Focused on Jesus
- Shifted his focus
- Distracted from Jesus by his surroundings
- Today - we get too busy for Jesus
- Must not let problems or distractions keep us from Jesus
Destroy Doubt
Destroy Doubt
- Knew Jesus was amazing before this
- How do we really see Jesus for who he truly is?
- Storms come up in life
- How long until we call on Jesus?
- We try to think of our own solutions
- The deeper problem is DOUBT
- Doubt Jesus but trust our skills, intellect, connections, etc.
- Jesus = last resort
- Jesus may not come when you want, do what you want, or follow your every direction - but he does care and will help
- Storm doesn't settle until Jesus gets in the boat
- Peter walked on water DURING the raging storm
- Jesus doesn't always remove our problems, but he walks through them with us
- Sometimes we must change our heart instead of asking God to change our situation
- Faithfulness unleashes the supernatural
- Don't let fear keep you from getting out of the boat!
Physical Healing
The Nobleman’s Son
The Man with an Unclean Spirit
Simon Peter’s Mother-in-Law
The Healing of the Leper
The Healing of the Paralytic
The Man at Bethesda pool
The Man with the Withered Hand
The Centurion’s Servant
Widow’s Deceased Son
Demoniacs at Gadara
Woman with the Issue of Blood
Jairus’s Deceased Daughter
Two Blind Men
Mute, Possessed Man
Daughter of Canaanite
Deaf Man with Impediment
Blind Man at Bethsaida
Epileptic Boy
Man Born Blind
Man, Blind, Dumb, Possessed
Woman Bent Double
Man with Dropsy
Ten Lepers
Blind Bartimaeus
Physical healings
- Power over sickness
- Commitment to the good of his people
- Serve a larger purpose in God’s redemptive plan
- Expressions of divine compassion
Physical Healing
Miracles Today
- Miracles still happen today!
- Even if we don't frequently see extraordinary miraculous events, God is active.
- A consecrated host seems to change to human flesh and blood…
- A statue of Christ weeps real tears and sheds real blood…
John 11:1-46
- Only in John
- Lazarus, Mary, Martha
- Close friends of Jesus
- City of Bethany
- Stone Jesus
Why the wait?
- Told Lazarus was sick and dying
- Didn't leave immediately
- Knew Lazarus would die and he would bring him back
- Jews believed the soul hung around a person for 3 days after death so the person was "mostly dead"
- After 3 days the soul left and the person was "all dead"
Jesus Wept
- Wept with Martha and Mary
- Fully human and felt emotions
- Experienced loss and death of a loved one
- God never intended for us to experience death
- Wrenches soul from body, rips loved ones from embrace of their families
- click to edit
Jesus calls Lazarus out of the tomb
- Jesus' miracles spring from his sense of compassion for suffering
- Sign of power over death
- Tells Martha, "I am the resurrection and the life..."
- Meant to connect to the resurrection of the body when Jesus comes back
- Gives us hope of life beyond death
After the story...
- Last miracle
- Plot to kill Jesus
- Holy Week and Passion
- Spiritual sin
- Needing to die to sins
- Fear it's too late to get out of the "tomb" of sin
- Offers new life
- Our "tombs"
- Feel trapped, sealed off, bound
- Prison of negativity
- The Lord is always ready to remove the tombstone of our sins