In northen Nigeria there are high, flat plains, fine gritty sand and a big faumous lake that is drying called lake chad. The largest ethic groups in Nigeria are the Hausa and Fulani. Overtime people have created a connective culture. There are big differences between these groups like language more than 1/3 Nigerians speak Hausa as their first language, however Fuflude is a much smaller language. Hausa people tend to live in the urban areas but majority live in rual areas on farms.
Northern region
Lake chad photo
Lake chad drying over the years
Ethic group of Hausa
Ethic group of nausa
western nigeria sits on gulf on guniea. It has tropical rainforests, savanas, tall grasses, and scatterd trees. It is more urban. The yorba is the biggest group in western nigeria. They lived in villages that grew to kindoms. Many if the yorba are christan. Each kindom has its own dielect (version of languadege.)
southern region
gulf of guinea
Yorba ethic group
Tropical rainforest in western nigeria
western region
In the city the lgbo build mud bricks and cement blocks. There houses usally sit on stilts. For rituals cermonies, and festivals the wrap in colorful cloths and dance in masks. for money most lgbo work for the oil industry but they still live in poverty. Most lgbo attend colleges