- Targets audience directly
- We do all the work depending on package:
from concept to realisation and distribution
- Can be used as part of your CSR (corporate social responsibility = sustainable impact)
- Brings art into different sectors in society
- Supports ArtMatters = community (art) projects
- Enhances educational programmes that focus on important issues
eg sustainability, inclusion, participation
- Our campaigns connect young and old and groups that normally don't mix
- Gives meaning to your message as organisation / company / good cause
- The smallest mobile gallery in the world!
- Coasters that promote artists and inspiration
- Used as a creative tool in educational settings
- Is used to connect different sectors and groups
- QR codes with up to date info on your product
- Tailormade campaigns with positieve impact
- Reaches ciitzens who are not often visible in society
- Can be developed for AR and VR purposes
- Contests and more to engage your audience
- Questions to trigger meaningful conversations
- Are always picked up and discussed by audience
- Have become collecters items from the beginning
- Are used in house as coasters = in house marketing
Our mission is to make artists more entrepreneurial so that they can create the means for doing what they're best at = ART!
At the same time we're about inspiring companies and the public to enjoy the innovative power of artists to revolutionise ways of thinking and acting.
The Art Agency facilitaties this synergy.
- Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
- Milieudefensie
- De Slinger
- Kenniscentrum De Baak
- Extrema outdoor festival
- Ikki employment
- Kunstweek
- See www.artmat.nl for other clients...
92% of visitors spend more than 15 sec looking and talking about an ArtMat
80% of visitors state it’s an entertaining and 'feel good' way of promotion
45% of visitors take ArtMats home and show their visitors = in house marketing
1 ArtMat = 81 cm² advertising space.
10.000 ArtMats = 81 m² advertising space
100.000 ArtMats = 810 m² a wall full!
Price of corporate a campaign compared
to the price of a newspaper one page ad:
= 5 million ArtMats
= potential reach of 2 million people and their homes, friends and family
More facts and figures why ArtMats work..
- We have distribution locations in different cities
within different sectors of society:
- Sport centres
- The hospitality sector
- Festivals
- Cultural centres
- Cantines of educational institutions
- Community centres
- Basically anywhere people eat and drink with or without alcohol
- Or suggest your own locations in order to engage a larger or new audience
- All of our profits go to ArtMatters =
projects that use creativity as a medium
to achieve greatness in people and
their environment
- Used inside and outside of Holland
- With ArtMiles as our currency =
barter system based on passions/needs
- See the AllOne site for examples
- Or suggest your own ArtMatter!
- Contact us for an appointment
- info@allone.nl / 06-16752340 / online meeting
- Let us listen to your needs and desires
- We'll match this with art and inspiration
- And make a cool and effective campaign
- That will be seen where you want exposure
- And will be discussed by your audience...
- Google glass
- Response metings
- Augemented reality
- Customer Experience