Final Presentation
for Internship CDE 6290
AUG 5TH, 2022
OMAFRA & CDE relevance
Research and innovation
Longstanding collaboration with university of Guelph (Ontario agri-food alliance)
Vineland Research and Innovation Centre (VRIC)
Figure 1: Net Expenses by Program 2020/21
Source: University of Guelph, 2021: OMAFRA/UofG Agreement Consolidated Annual Report Year 3, 2021
Environmental Contributions to Grape Sour Rot
Environmental Contributions to Grape Sour Rot
Areas of knowledge, skills and attitude development
- Knowledge of sour rot disease
- Interpersonal skills
- Producing results in a timely manner,
- Explaining complex issues in a simple way
- Managing and sharing knowledge systematically
Overall outcome
To maximize returns on public investments and ultimately improve social benefits
Most prefered areas
Literature search and initial reveiew of data for statistical analysis
Least Prefered areas
The effect of the use/absence of CDE theory and practice in the host organization
- Research (Present)
- Publishing- makes it easy to use the data. (Absent)
- Statisticsl analysis (Absent)
Specific highlights
- Use of endnotes for referencing and citation
- Conducting biological science research, - delivering different drafts of literature review
- Meeting with the statistician