Bit of fun. Ted Lassso Quotes
Rathbone Leadership Quotes
"Behaviour breed behaviour"
"The greatest gift you can give anyone is your time"
"Leadership is a honour, each day appreciate that"
"Be nice to those on the way up, you'll pass them on the way down"
"Self development, the clue is in the word 'self' you own it, I'll support you"
"The harder you work, you luckier you get, focus on outcomes, not on chasing job titles"
"I believe in you because ...."
"Get things right first time every time, you'll never learn anything. I want you fail in a safe way, with my support so you get battle scars, and learn"
- Give everything to the people you lead, put people first
- Go to bed with a clear conscious, knowing you've given everything to others (servant leadership)
- Feel outside your comfort zone every single day
- Feel exhausted, feel invigorated, feel on top of the world knowing others you lead are growing
- Create magic, create something special, a legacy. Ask yourself "whats my legacy, what did I change, how did I improve the lives of those around me"
- Set boundaries for those you lead, and then let them loose to explore, fail, learn, grow, deliver.
- Breed an environment of support, community, bravery, and risk taking.
- Bloody enjoy it - that's right, you should enjoy leading. If you don't you need to consider if its for you
- Always leave people and the company in a better place than when you joined
- Think how you make people feel well after you've left the organisation
Takeaway Number 1: Leadership is bloody hard
My Leadership Journey Overview
- From young age football leader on and off pitch
- Before tech 5 years leadership in leisure industry
- 24 years in tech, most in leadership
- Leadership is bloody hard
- I'm always looking for fuel, inspiration, ways to grow and change
- I've had many failures, and some successes
- I love leadership
Take away number 1:
- Leadership is tough. Why? Because you're dealing with humans
- The harder you work at leadership, the luckier you'll get
- Leadership is all about these things we call humans, its all about people
- If you don't enjoy leadership, get out as you'll be doing yourself, others, and your company more harm than good
- Leadership should not be your only option when it comes to promotion and career growth
Never stop looking for growth and inspiration
Ted Lasso Made Me a Better Tech Leader and More Importantly, a Better Person
- 2016 I saw this film
- This film had a huge impact on me as a person, and my career
- I started to say yes to challenges, instead of hiding and saying no
- I saw a huge spurt in growth in my career .... and my leadership style
If you stop, others that you lead will stop
I'm sorry about the next slide
For where I am right now, I've found mine. I never thought it would be a cheesy, American football coach
Incoming Cheesiness alert
- I was going through life thinking I was an OK leader, an OK type of person.
- Always looking to get better
- Then this happened to me, I saw Ted Lasso
- This Cheesy fictional character in a cheesy box-set changed me, hopefully for the better as a leader and a person
This Boxset comes with the biggest cheese alert ever known to mankind
Who is Ted Lasso, what is Ted Lasso
Has a unique leadership style
American football coach who becomes a PL coach
"I believe in hope. I believe in believe"
These are Ted Lasso's leadership lessons
- Dont copy them, draw inspiration and be authentic
- I'll bring some of them to life, what they mean to me, how I use them
- I'll also relay how the not so obvious parts of Ted Lasso have either inspired me, or given me comfort
- When I flounder, I look at this picture, and I remember, its about putting people first and being a decent person
I take time to understand the why
I actually tell individuals I believe
Firstly, this has helped me immensely
- When made redundant
- To lead developers
- Start new jobs
- My own impostor syndrome
- My belief in myself as a leader
- In Believing in myself, I'm giving myself hope
As a leader, Land Your Messages Using Repetition
Believe in Believe has helped me help others
I do wonder where I'd be, who I'd be, what leader I'd be if someone had been a Ted Lasso to me in my own journey
I tell the team I believe in them
If you are a good leader, you can lead anyone
Ted Lasso - non stated lessons
I don't remember anyone in my leadership / work journey telling me to believe in myself, so now, I make sure I tell others
Give feedback like you care
Radical Leadership - Lead like you care
All People are Different People
By telling others you believe in them, you are giving them HOPE
Why wouldn't you want to do that?
- This has forced me to check in with myself and see if I am leading the person in the right way
- Im constantly asking myself "whats their context, whats their world, whats their challenges, what do they want"
- Allowed me to lead people with ADHD, Impostor syndrome
- Changed how I interview, onboard people, set objectives
- How people learn and self develop - everyone is different, one size does not fit all.
- Online
- Pairing
- Gamification
- Groups
- Alone
Ted Lasso - non stated lessons
Only way to get to the top is to be a nasty bastard
You can be a good person, and a great leader
Leadership can be a lonely place, don't let it be
What I do differently now
- I now take a lot more care and time to tell people I believe in them
- I take time to understand why they may not believe in themselves
- I tell the team I believe in them. In a crunch project time I told the team there were tough times ahead, pressure, but I believed in them
- Its allowed me to support people that have impostor syndrome. For people that have it I try to give more support, more time, more feedback
- Constantly give people and teams feedback on being brave, believe in taking risks, believe their gut instincts
For all Ted Lasso plus points, his down side is he doesn't address his well-being