Influences on Your Health
Created by AVHS
for Health 9
These are all of the traits that are biologically passed on from your parents to you.
You are probably aware of heredity when it comes to hair and eye color, but heredity also influences your general health.
- Inheriting specific genes can put you at risk for specific illnesses such as diabetes.
- Other genes might strengthen your resistance to certain diseases.
- It is important to learn how evaluate how your genetics and health choices contribute to disease.
Physical Environment
Your environment is the sum of your surroundings. This includes everything from your family to your neighborhood and to your life experiences.
Your physical environment influences every aspect of your health.
- A person who lives in a safe environment is more likely to enjoy good physical, mental, and emotional health.
- A person who lives in an area with a high crime rate may experience a more stressful life.
- Also, environmental factors such as pollution can affect your health.
Physical Environment
Social Environment
Social Environment
People who surround you- Teachers, parents, siblings etc.
Peers- the people of the same age who share similar interests or people of the same age who surround you.
- Loyal and supportive friends can positively affect your health.
- Peers who take part in dangerous or illegal behaviors can have a negative impact on your health.
The collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group.
- The behaviors can be an ethnic group, a community, a nation.
- Your culture can affect you in many ways including the foods you eat, the traditions you have, or the religions you practice.
How does the culture at Amador affect you and your health in a positive or negative way?
The way you view situations greatly affect the choices that you make.
- Attitude can play a positive or negative role regarding your health and wellness.
- Studies have shown that positive people are more likely to have better health than those who have a negative attitude.
- Viewing situations positively, will help you make healthful decisions, reach goals, and successfully manage your life.
How does your attitude affect you?
You have no control over your heredity and limited control of your environment, but you DO have control over your behavior.
- Your actions can affect your physical, mental, and emotional health.
What other behavior choices affect different areas of health?
Media is the various methods of communicating information
- This includes radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, books, and the Internet.
- The media plays a powerful role in shaping public opinions.
- How can the media positively or negatively impact various areas of your health?
Keep in mind that media delivers information while technology relates to the devices used to deliver information.
- If being on social media is affecting your health, the phone or laptop is the technology portion.
- Advances in medicine are largely due to the development of technology which helps people live longer and healthier lives.
- However, technology has replaced many outdoor activities which might negatively affect people's health.
What are some examples of other ways that technology can positively or negatively affect someone's health?