Assistive technology in Inclusive Education
"Unlocking potetntial ,Empowering Inclusion" by Tawanda Chikudo
1. What is ...?
What is...?
- presentation objective
- definitions
- assistive tech vs adaptive tech
- to raise awareness of AT
- understand the different types of AT
- promote AT accessibility in education and benefits
- address the implication ,challenges of AT
- Assitsive Technology(,an assistive technology device is any item ,piece of equipment or product system ,whether aquired commercially off the shelf ,modified ,or customised ,that is used to increase ,maintain or improve the functional capabilities of children with disabilities.(IDEA,2004)
- Incusive education-All children in the same classrooms ,in the same school.(UNICEF)
Assistive technology & Adaptive technology
Assistive Tech & Adaptive Tech
- Assistive Tech focuses on providing overall functional support while Adaptive tech focuses on adapting existing technology to make it accessible and usable for students with disabilities.
Assistive Technology & Inclusive Education
2. Assitive Technology & Inclusive Education
- there are 3 levels of Assistive technology.
- for each special need an assistive device can be selected
Levels of Assistive Technology
1. non tech -eg. pencil grip holders,flas cards,static models
2. low tech-eg .calculators,tape recoreders,talking alarm,
3. high tech-eg.comuters,tablets,speech to text technology,screen reader,adaptable keyboard and screen reader
Levels of AT
Categories of Assistive Technology
Categories of Assistive Technology
eg .braille,magnifers,adapted players,large print talking calculators
eg. head phone,hearing aid ,hearing loop,amplified telephone
eg.interactive boards with pictures,
eg . wheelchair,walkerscanes,artificial hand /leg
Assistive Technology Selection Process
3. Assistive Technology selection
Steps in Assistive Technology Selection process
Selection Process
Steps in selecting AT
Step 1 collect child and family information
Step 2 identify actitivities for participation
Step 3 what can be observed that indicates the intervention is successful
Step 4 brainstorm AT solution
Step 5 try it out
Step 6 identify what worked
Pictures of ATs
Assistive devices Pictures
Implications of AT in Inclusive Education
4. AT implcation on Inclusive Education
- increased accessibility to educational material and effective participation in learning process
- personalised learning for students
- improved communication
- enhanced self confidence & student independence
- inclusion in mainstream classrooms for SEN students
- provides educators with tools to support diverse learners effectively
- implementation costs can be expensive
- requires training and support
- accessibility challenges of the AT resources
- some students may feel stigmatized or singled outwhen usinng them
- AT relies on technology which can have its own limitations