the consequences of malnutrıtıon
- Students will become familiar with the meaning of Malnutrition.
- Students will engage in a true/false quiz independently
- Students will watch a video to familiar with this health problem
- Students will explore interactive activities that reinforce learning
1.Introduction: Duration: 5 minutes
- Activate prior knowledge and generate interest:
- Ask students some questions about malnutrition:
Do you usually eat between 3 and 5 times a day?
Are you sure your food is adequate?
What do you usually have at breakfast?
What type of food do you eat everyday?
Do you always consume same foods?
Duratıon:10 Mınutes
Show students a **Answergarden** word cloud with the question: ''What comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘’malnutrition"?''
- https://answergarden.ch/3189168
- Display the word cloud on the board and discuss the results with the class.
- Tell students that they will learn more about malnutrition in this lesson and how it affects their health.
Duratıon:15 mınutes
Use YouTube to find some video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPNZKyXqN1U&t=185s )that explains more advanced topics about malnutrıtıon.
- Use YouTube to find some video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPNZKyXqN1U&t=185s) that explains more advanced topics about malnutrition, The consequences of this disease as well as its signs and symptoms depend on the nutritional deficiency that the person suffers.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFXofc-3KVc
Duration:15 minutes
Students will consolidate their learning using the ‘’Wordwall ‘’application.
- Students will learn about malnutrition better by using the ‘quizzes’ app.It strengthens their knowledge and becomes usable.https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/648569945ae920001dbef981/startV4?fromBrowserLoad=true
- Students will practice with kahoot.(https://create.kahoot.it/details/92b8d497-5dd1-458d-83a4-88ed94b189cc)
duratıon:10 mınutes
- Students learn about malnutrition.They reinforced the issue by using web2 applications.
- Encourage students to continue learning about Malnutrition
- Students will talk about what they learned in this lesson.
- Students will use liveworksheet app to understand what they learned in this lesson https://www.liveworksheets.com/iq1576535dt