Open Access
English 1 A
Community of Practice
As you come in, please grab a snack and your timesheet!
Topic 1: Creating a culture of asking for help/using resources
Topic 1:
Grounding Activity: Quickwrite
Think back to when you first started college. What was it like your first couple of weeks? What were you worried/excited about? What music were you listening to? What were you wearing?
What help would you have needed?
Small Group Questions
Topic 1
Small Groups
- When it comes to encouraging students to ask for help and use resources, what works for you?
- During lunch, you will type up your best practices during lunch.
- Surface Big Issues: What obstacles are in the way of a student asking for help? Jot down a list of obstacles.
Small Groups
Time to
Now, choose an obstacle that you would like to trouble shoot. Then we will reshuffle our groups. We will get into new groups based on which obstacle we would like to troubleshoot.
Create a poster of your best practices
Working Lunch
- Gallery Walk
- Have your group scribe type your notes into the shared document
Topic 2: How to lessen our workload
Topic 2:
Big Group
Discussion Questions
What best practices do you already use that we can steal?
Please write your best practices on the sticky notes around the room
Workshop & Collaboration
- How can you apply the solutions we discussed today to the classes you are teaching?
- Which of the best practices would you like to steal? How can you personalize them so that they work for you?
- Also feel free to collaborate and come up with new ideas
Session 2:
9/27/19 from 10 AM-4 PM
Homework: Between now and the next session, please apply at least two of the things we discussed today. When we meet again, we will ask everyone to report back .
What is the one thing you got from today that you're going to take away?