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Recherches à la une
We start from the Emotions Project that we are working on in this course and on which we have been approved by the Erasmus + k1 project “An emotion for a solution”. We intend through etwinning to carry out a KA 2 school mobility project, which we can present and request all members of the etwinning project.
•Improve the level of skills, through an increase in mobility opportunities for learning reasons
• Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
• Improve the possibilities of students in general, development of social skills, and broadening horizons at European level, exchange of ideas and knowledge, putting into practice and dissemination of work done using the methodology based on Cognitive Neuroscience
• Work in an integrated manner with other centers, promoting group and team work
• Get to participate in an Erasmus Plus project at European level, which allows the exchange of ideas and experiences that improve our teaching practice and develop in students an improvement in their linguistic, social, cultural and citizen skills.
• Establish ties with other centers in Europe, promoting and developing the Sense and Initiative and Entrepreneurship Competence, and Learning to learn, working on motivation and self-confidence and the pleasure of learning, putting into practice the use of the English language, developing ICT practices in the classroom through the web pages related to the Erasmus program.
• Improve the educational offer of the center, making us visible with a more attractive project through the exchange of ideas, initiatives and materials with other schools abroad.
Contact partners (erasmus plus), strategic partnerships
• Use of the eTwinnin virtual tool and other web tools related to the Erasmus program: objective of carrying out collaborative work between centers exchanging information resources and materials, stimulating opinions and teaching staff, developing digital competence through use and practice of ICT and English as a language, developing collaborative work between students and teachers as well as with other students from European centers with their same interests and concerns
• Development of the scheme and index of project and distribution of the same
• Project data collected on emotions and exchange of ideas for project development
• Erasmus project writing and application
• Promote and publicize at the center level of the Erasmus Project by making the largest number of teachers interested in the development and work in the program, thus improving our teaching practice, improving the educational offer of the center and professional qualification, making us visible with an attractive project rest of the educational community
• Collection of data on teacher training abroad, related to our interests, those that are a support in resources related to teaching practice, using a creative and diverse work methodology to implement it in the center and classroom
• Analyze the needs of the center, to be able to act from the work of emotions, through concrete activities in solving problems
• Prepare a document, with the most significant aspects, as a guide, and important for the development of a K2 erasmus plus project, as web pages used, such as contacting partners and important questions, courses, resources
Work progress time
Work progress time This three stages can make a relationship successful. So, if we want this etwinning project to be a kind of a life model for our students, it would be good to follow this 3-step timeline.
1st term HOPE