Goal of the day
How Buddhists believe they can reach enlightenment.
What can you use from their teachings in your daily life?
But first! Recap
Read page 11-14 'What did Buddha teach about life?'
And answer the Test Yourself on page 14.
Think of a way that you can implement the eight path in your own life. Choose one thing, and try it for a week.
How to reach enlightenment
example: Try not to use swear words for a week or
do 1 kind thing for somebody every day.
Answer the questions on page 19: Test yourself
Time left: Answer the Task Box
Page 15 - 19
four noble truths
1) Ordinary life brings about suffering
2) The origin of suffering is attachment
3) Ending suffering is attainable
4) There is a eightfold path to help you end
Tell me which pictures matches which principle