Ultrasound_based endometriosis scoring system
Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the master degree by
Asmaa Ahmed Othman Mohammed
first & foremost, my deep gratefulness is to Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful
I would like to express my sincere gratitude, and deep appreciation to all my professors and supervisors
Prof. Dr/ Mohie Eddin I. Fahmy
prof. of obst. & gyne. faculty of medicine,
Benha university
Prof. Dr/ Mustafa Abdullah El sayed
assist. prof. of obst. & gyne. faculty of medicine,
Benha university
Dr/ Waleed Mohamed Tawfik
lect. of obst. & gyne. faculty medicine,
Benha university
All thankfulness, and deep respects to Obstetrics and gynecology department, faculty of medicine, Benha university, where this study was done.
Obst. &Gyn. dep.
I'd like to express my sincere thanks to my family_my father, my sisters and my kids for their love, support and understanding.
A special thanks to my husband, who is always there for me.
At last bot not least, I wish my mother was alive now so, I dedicate this work to her pure soul.
At last
Endometriosis is a benign gynecological disease, defined by The World Endometriosis Society as a chronic inflammatory disease process characterized by lesions of endometrial-like tissue outside the uterus
Incidence is difficult to quantify, as women with the disease are often asymptomatic.
- In those asymptomatic women the prevalence of E is 6-11%
- In infertile women ..20-50%
- In those with pelvic pain..40-50%
- In 2/3 of adolescents with CPP.
The definitive cause of E remains unknown, but theories have been proposed.
- Retrograde menstruation through the fallopian tubes (Gordts et al. 2017).
- The stem cell theory
- Aberrent lymphatic or vascular spread of endometrial tissues
- coelomic metaplasia
- Mullerian remenats differentiation
Most women with endometriosis are asymptomatic, but symptoms may be
Non_cyclic CPP
visual cues are often lacking
powder_burn lesions may be seen on the Cx or post. vag. fornix
can detect Adenexal masses, USL nodularity, anatomical distortion and organ fixation
may reveal RVS nodularity
Lap investigations
Lap Investigations
- To date, there is no single biomarker or biomarker panel that seems to be useful in the clinical setting
- Usually undertaken to exclude other causes of CPP
- CA125 is elevated in severe stage of E, but has poor sensetivity in detecting mild stages
- TVS is the intial imaging tool in women presenting with CPP and it is accurate in detecting Endometriomas,aids exclusion of other causes of CPP, and has a suitable accuracy in assessment of DIE
- MRI help in clarifying anatomy, and better resolution for soft tissues so, can assist in preoperative planning for DIE
- CT plays a limited role in the evaluation of Endometriosis
Diagnostic imaging
- To date, Laparoscopy is the primary method for confirming diagnosis of Endometriosis
- Current guidlines do not require biopsy and histologic evaluation for diagnosis of Endometriosis
Diagnostic laparoscopy
- Endometriosis is a disease that is becoming increasingly important, so it is vital for us to have a classification system.
- there are multible chassification systems
E. classifications
- Most commonly used worldwide
-lesions (location & extent)
-adhesions (severity & extent)
- It reflected by point scores, and has 4 stages
- Addition point scores for partial or complete POD obliteration
rASRM classification
- Morphological-topographical classification
- Complement to rASRM classification to encompass all lesions specially DIE
- The pelvis is divided into 3 compartments
-A..RVS & vagina
-B..USLs lig. , cardinal lig. , lateral pelvic side walls and extrinsic ureteric involvement
-C..Rectum & rectosegmoid
- It has 3 grades of severity 1,2 & 3
ENZIAN classification
EFI classification
- Estimates the cumulative pregnancy rate of women over a period of 3 years after surgery for endometriosis
- It represents the summation of 2 factors
-surgical findings
-medical history
- It is predictive for natural pregnancy not for IVF or ICSI
classification (cont.)
- Developed by Menakaya et al. 2016 to predict the level of complexity of laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis, aiming to help in triage of women with endometriosis to a surgeon with appropriate skill level for optimal & best ttt of E in one & the first surgical set
- It is pre_operative US_based approach
- It has 3 stages
Study design
Our study was a prospective,observational, chohort study on 100 women presented by CPP, endometriosis or unexplaind infertility, prepared for laparoscopic assessment and management
Aim of the work
this study aiming to validate the performance of pre-op. UBESS for predicting the correct level of laparoscopic skills required for E surgery
Setting :-
Obs. & Gyn. dep., faculty of medicine, Benha university
Inclusion criteria :-
reproductive_aged women W CPP and/or endometriosis and infertility
Exclusion criteria :-
-menopause -pregnancy
-adnexal lesions other than endometrioma
- after h/o taking and physical ex was completed, a TVS evaluation was done using Voluson 730 pro equipment after taking the pt. consent
- The bladder should be empty, but not routine bowel preparation
- patient was examined in lithotomy position with knee support and told that " let your knees go floppy "
- A detailed specialized TVS was done using the 5-domain ultrasound_based approach that described by Menakaya and consists of ....
- The sonographic data that was collected include specific phenotypic markers indicating potential endometriosis
- then we staged the disease and women assigned UBESS Ⅰ, Ⅱ, or Ⅲ at time of TVS
- Then, the surgical data collected at time of laparoscopy will be correlated with the UBESS
- The ability of UBESS to predict surgical complexity was then assesed retrospectively by correlating the 2 sets of data
correlation of data
distribution of 100 cases according to UBESS/RANZCOG
Agreement of UBESS W RANZCOGW Kappa test
diagnostic Performance of TVS for E phenotypes
- UBESS could be utilized to predict the level of complexity of laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis.
- It performed best in the preoperative triage of women with higher‐stage endometriosis.
- UBESS has the potential to facilitate the triage of women with higher‐stage endometriosis to the most appropriate surgical expertise for laparoscopic intervention.
- Future studies should focus on incorporating ultrasound markers, which potentially can overcome the documented deficiencies of the current UBESS.
- Further studies to determine whether preoperative ultrasonography mapping can lead to a decrease in the number of surgical procedures needed, in a change of the surgical procedure planned, and reduction of both recurrences surgical complications.
- Further studies on large geographical scale and on larger sample size to emphasize our conclusion