Hip Hop, Community and Belonging: Connecting Youth, Connecting Community
Elliot Gann, Psy.D.
Elliot Gann, Psy.D.
Director of Today's Future Sound
DJ/Producer alias: Phillipdrummond
Elliot Gann, Psy.D.
Executive Director, Today's Future Sound
Beat maker/producer, DJ, events organizer for 1,000+ beat battles/showcases across six continents, co-creator of monthly "Beat Culture" party in Oakland, including only monthly open beat cypher in Bay Area
An Oakland-Based Non-Profit
Today's Future Sound
Today's Future Sound (TFS) uses the power of Hip Hop music (specifically beat making) and culture to address a lack of culturally responsive and sustaining educational, therapeutic, and social interventions for underserved youth across the world
- Hip Hop is a tool for healing, learning, community building and social change
- Beat making as a tool to facilitate healing and address trauma in a culturally sustaining way in the context of the community and group settings
Who is part of the TFS community?
The TFS Community and Staff
Staff and volunteers
- Majority of staff are recruited from beat battles and/or Hip Hop community and scene
- Almost all staff are beat makers, DJ's, MC's audio engineers and/or Hip Hop artists
- Some volunteers found TFS through web search, however, most are recruited from events in community
- Some high school and college interns, some of whom are former students
- Positive mentors/role models for youth, in their community
Civic engagement/Hip Hop Community Service
We convert artists to teaching artists!
- TFS events build:
- Community through shared interest/passion and identity
- physical space for subculture
- Opportunity to share music through performance and cypher
- Social network (digital and "analog")
- Opportunities for recruitment of volunteers and instructors
- Happens on national and international levels
StreetBeats engaging community in the streets
Community Settings
Online Community and Social Media
Hip Hop Healing, Identity development, & School Transformation
Therapeutic Beat Making (TBM) Model
History of Hip Hop, Elements and MI
Hip Hop Culture and Multiple Intelligences
Gardner's corresponding MI's*
*Original MI's 1993
1) Verbal -Linguistic Intelligence
2) Logical Mathematical
3) Visual-Spatial
4) Bodily-Kinesthetic
5) Musical
6) Interpersonal
7) Intrapersonal
5 Elements of Hip Hop
1) MC'ing or "rapping"
2) DJ'ing (and beat making)
3) Graffiti
4) B-Boying/B-Girling/Breakdancing
5) Knowledge* as 5th element
Roots in anti-violence: Non-Violent conflict resolution: "Rubble Kings" (2015)
Why Hip Hop?
- Culturally responsive/sustainable - Non-Eurocentric and youth culture
- Empowerment
- Innovation and creativity
- Collaboration/project-based learning
- Critical thinking/Media Literacy & Battles
- Importance of knowledge (self, history, etc.)
- Research
Why Hip Hop?
Therapeutic Beat Making (TBM) Mode
- Relationship/ID
- Expressive
- Self-Concept/ID
Therapeutic Beat Making (TBM) Mode
Beat Making as Healing for Trauma
Therapeutic Beat Making Model (TBM, Gann, 2016)
1) Relational
- rapport building/interpersonal sustainabilty
- lack of stigma of traditional Eurocentric models
2) Expressive
- catharsis/channeling/"sublimation"
- regulatory properties (Perry video)
- research on drumming
- Barry Quinn “found that the brain changes from Beta waves (focused concentration and activity) to Alpha waves (calm and relaxed) producing feelings of euphoria and well-being.”
3) Self-Esteem/Self-Efficacy
Importance of Repetition and Regulation
- Van der Kolk and connection/belonging/safety through synchronized rhythmic acvitivies
- organization and structure provided by activity, and nature of repetitive and predictable beats, trauma is UNPREDICTED/DYSREGULATING, out of control
- Dr. Bruce Perry - tire swing, cars, walking for regulation
- Stomping and clapping/dancing to regulate
- call and response with improv can enage different levels/both sides of the brain & pre-frontal cortex
- positive narcisstic aspects/self-esteem w/kids as leader
TFS: The Process and Projects/Outcomes
TFS: The Process and Projects/Outcomes
Beat Making Pedagogy and Demo
Human Beat Machine & Beat Grid
Beat Making Pedagogy and Demo
1 2 3 4
Kick I o I o I o I o
Hi-Ht I o I o I o I o
Snare I o I o I o I o
Hava Nagila, Lil B-Boys in France and Flatland BMX in Peru:
Engaging multiple literacies with two texts