Music to Education
- Euba, A. (2003). African drums in symphony hall: village signals and intercontinental encounters. In TriQuarterly (Issue 116, pp. 323-). TriQuarterly.
- The Music Studio. (2017, April 19). The Music Studio. Retrieved from Communication through
- music:
- Georgii-Hemming, E., Johansson, K., & Moberg, N. (2020). Reflection in higher music education: what, why, wherefore? Music Education Research, 22(3), 245–256.
- Rachel Darnley-Smith, & Helen M Patey. (2003). Music Therapy. SAGE Publications Ltd.
- Samama, L. (2016). Music and communication. In The Meaning of Music (pp. 76–83). Amsterdam University Press.
- Increase the sense of concentration
- Change/ Evaluate the mood of school lectures(Georgii-Hemming&Johansson&Moberg, 2020, p.245-256)
- Exam
An important communication tool
Music to Community
- An important communication tool(Akin, 2003, p. 323)
- A way of cultural expression
- A big union of group of people
Music to Mental Health
Emotional, and psychological regulation
1. Attention and Focus
2. Neuroplasticity
3. Power to activate various regions of the brain associated with emotions, memory, and reward
4. Lyrics and Language
Stress reduction relaxing
1. Music can reduce stress and anxiety levels, relaxation
2. Engaging with music can provide a positive distraction from stressors
Cognitive benefits
1. Enhanced Memory
2. Language and Phonological Awareness
3. Enhanced Spatial Awareness
Yulai shou
Yuzhi shou
Zhasmin Sanabayeva
Thithaotrang Hoang