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By: Mackenzie Roberts
This dance comes from the Apache tribe, a group of people mostly residing in Nevada and New Mexico.
what movements do the dancers perform?
Mountain Spirit dancers, also called Gaan, perform the dances in Apache culture. Four dancers with black masks surround a single member with a white mask, the white mask meaning that they are sent from heaven. The white mask must teach the others with black masks how to live off of the land.
These dances include Natural movements, Imitation of animals, and imitation of the forces of nature.
Stomping, swaying, changing, and yelling are commonly used movements.
These dances are mostly performed by men who have been trained to perform for ceremonies.
These dances are performed by the Gaan, members who are trained for ritual dances. The white masked dancer is teaching the four others how to live off of the land: what herbs to use, how to pray, and traditional Apache stories. The performers are painted using traditional black and white paint. The dance is performed along with traditional chants and music, usually with buckskin drums. Often bells will be attached to the dancers to give the physical movement an element of sound. These dances can be performed in a crowd for audiences to watch, or alone for ceremonies.
These dances are preformed to honor the gods and mountain spirits, and they are believed to promote healing for the group. The dance can heal illnesses and bring health to the sick.
"Western Apache Mountain Spirit dancers"https://archserve.id.ucsb.edu/courses/rs/natlink/apache/apa_cerem6.htm
"About Apache Dances | Native American Culture" https://ideastream.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/natam.arts.dance.abapache/native-american-culture-about-apache-dances/
"Apache Mountain Spirit Dancers video"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6U1WU6O_Mo