Recive a Campus Police Ticket
Our Side Of The Monopoly Board
Campus Police Ticket
Court For Campus Police Ticket
Tutt Hall was completed in 1966 and was named in honor of Clara Tutt who was a member of the elementary education department from 1934 to 1958.
Older ResidentHall
Only 233 students stay in Tutt Hall
Low Percentage of Students
Older Building
Knilans Hall was completed in 1966 and was named in honor of Edith Knilans who served as the college librarian from 1926 to 1957.
Only 251 students stay in KnilansHall
Low Percentage of Students
Esker Dinning Hall
Esker Dinning Hall
Esker District Bird Fleet
Esker Bird Fleet
Clem Hall was completed in 1966 and was named for a former professor, Jane Clem who taught typing from 1919 to 1956.
Older ResidentHall
Only 231 students stay in Tutt Hall
Low Percentage of Students
Information Desk
Info Desk
During the summer and fall of 2011, workers gutted Heide Hall 100. Upgrades include white boards, three projectors, new ramps and seat configurations for accessibility, and surround sound for a theater-like experience. Prior to this year, the large classroom had received no major upgrades since 1965.
Heide 113 and 115 were also renovated. Nine other classrooms will receive heating, ventilation, and air conditioning upgrades.
The $702,000 in funding came from the State of Wisconsin classroom renovation fund.
Older Renovations
Heide Hall serves almost exclusivley acidemic purposes
Purely Acidemic
The Witch Tower
The Witch Tower
- Has Its Own Legends Myths and Rumors
- Seen and Talked About By so Many