Journey Through Time: African American Regiments
SS4H5 Explain the causes, major events, and consequences of the Civil War.
e. Describe the effects of war on the North and South.
Standards and Objectives
Students will analyze and understand the effects African American Regiments had on the Civil War.
The Militia Act of 1862
Fort Pillow
Fort Wagner
54th Massachusetts
1st Kansas Colored Regiment
Skirmish at Island Mound
What decree did President Lincoln present that officially allowed African Americans to join the miliary?
What were some effects of African Americans joining the Union Army and Navy?
How did the South react to African Americans joining the War?
Why did President Lincoln finally allow African Americans to serve in the military?
Did African Americans joining the war effect the outcome?
- By the Summer of 1862 African American involvement in the war had become a nation wide debate.
- On July 17 The Militia Act of 1862 became effective.
The Militia Act of 1862
- The Militia Act of 1862 allowed African Americans to join the Union Army and Navy.
- African American were only allowed to have non combat jobs behind the front lines and were paid lower wages than white soldiers.
- This Act was a compromise between the Union and the border states.
1st Kansas Colored Regiment
1st Kansas Colored Regiment
- The regiment was formed just weeks after The Militia Act of 1862 became effective making Kansas the first Union state to have African American troops.
- 1st KCR was an "unofficial" military regiment.
- First African American regiment to see combat in October of 1862 at the Skrimish at Island Mount in Missouri.
- 1st KCR became an offical part of the Union in January 1863 just two weeks after The Emacipation Proclamation.
- After 2 long years at war President Lincoln reconsidered allowing African Americans joining the Union.
- White volunteer numbers were down and African Americans were ready to be called on.
The Emancipation Proclamation
The Emancipation Proclamation
- African American soliders were finally able to serve in combat roles.
- However, there were already African American regiments formed in Louisiana and Kansas. These regiments were not made official until after The Emacipation Proclamation.
- Formed In February 1863 after Governer John A. Andrew issued an official call.
- Over 1000 African Americans responded. Many from slave states.
- On July 18, 1863 the 54th Mass. stormed Fort Wagner which guarded the port of Charleston, SC. This was the first time African American troops lead an infantry attack.
- By 1864 over 100,000 African American had served in the Union Army and Navy.
- However, they were still recieving lower pay than whites and even being massacred on the battlefield by condeferate troop.
- In June of 1864 Congress passed a bill allowing for equal pay.
Fort Pillow
Fort Pillow
- The massacre of African American troops at Fort Pillow, Tennessee promted them to fight with more vigor (energy) and pride. Some soldiers adopted the battle cry "Remember Fort Pillow."
- It worked because six weeks later African American troops won a key battle defending Fort Pocahontas, Virginia.
African Americans In The South
African Americans in The South
- Confederates used enslaved African Americans as laborers.
- The Confederacy allowed NO blacks to serve.
- After an impeding defeat neared for The Confederacy in March 1865 a law was passed that allowed African Americans to serve in combat. It was too late as the war ended 3 weeks later.
- On April 9, 1865 Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Courthouse.
- Over 200,000 African Americans fought in the Union Army and Navy. That is nearly 10% of the Union Army and Navys population.
- The Condeferacy tried to allow African American troops at the wars end but it was to late.
Post Civil War
- One big effect of the Civil War is the passing of three constitutional amendments.
- 13th Amendment abolished slavery.
- 14th Amendment gave African Americans citizenship.
- 15th Amendment gave African Americans the right to vote.
- Former Confederate states were not allowed congressional representation until they adopted these amendments.
The Militia Act of 1862
Fort Pillow
Fort Wagner
54th Massachusetts
1st Kansas Colored Regiment
Skirmish at Island Mound
What decree did President Lincoln present that officially allowed African Americans to join the miliary?
What were some effects of African Americans joining the Union Army and Navy?
How did the South react to African Americans joining the War?
Why did President Lincoln finally allow African Americans to serve in the military?
Did African Americans joining the war effect the outcome?