The Bell Jar: Scene Analysis
Elsa Pacarada, Elvira Rukolli, Iris Bibolli
The Big Dilemma
Lesson profile
- Understand the plot.
- Analyze key ideas.
- Identify symbols.
- Relate scene to previous events in the book.
- Understand the motive behind the inclusion of this scene.
- Relate scene to other pieces of literature.
- Have a fruitful discussion!
- One morning, Esther’d tried but hadn’t been able to cut her wrist, whose skin “looked so white and defenseless.”
- Esther had thought, “It was as if what I wanted to kill wasn’t in that skin or the skin or the thin blue pulse that jumped under my thumb, but somewhere else, deeper, more secret, and a whole lot harder to get at.”
- Standing there in the bathroom, she’d tried standing in front of a mirror, thinking, “if I looked in the mirror while I did it, it would be like watching somebody else.”
- Still, “the person in the mirror was paralyzed and too stupid to do a thing” and she’d simply dropped the razor on her calf, seen the blood, and realized it was too late to kill herself (her mother would be getting home soon).
Warm Bath
What does the warm bath symbolize? How does it link to previous chapters and to Religion?
What image do the poppies create?
Alienation of body versus mind
What is it that she actually wants to kill?
What is the significance of this symbol?
Why would looking in this mirror be like watching somebody else?
Will for life?
Do you think that Esther truly wants to kill herself at this point in the novel? What makes you think that?