Narcissism and Major Depression
-Psychology Presentation-
by Mike Proto
Major Depression
- Impairs or interferes with one’s ability to carry out life activities
- Loss of interest and pleasure
- problems with sleep, eating, energy, concentration, or self-worth
- Life on hard mode
Major Depression
- Depressed mood (general unhappiness)
- Irritability/agitation
- Loss of interest/pleasure
- Decrease/increase in weight/appetite
- Decrease/increase in sleep
- Fatigue/loss of energy
- Feeling worthless/guilty
- Poor concentration/decisiveness
- Obsessed with death, suicidal attempts/plans
Guts lost his arm, and his loved ones. Now he is depressed and angry.
- One of the most common mental disorders in US
- 8.4% of all U.S. adults have suffered from a major depressive episode
- A period of at least two weeks
- Could be many reasons:
- Loss of a loved one
- Divorce
- Illness
- Loss of usefulness
- Job/financial worries
- Personality also plays a role
- Downward spiral of isolation and/or drugs often contributes
- 66% of adults who suffered from a major depressive episode received treatment
- Options:
- Antidepressants
- Fixes chemical imbalances
- Therapy
- Behavioral
- change the way you think, feel and behave in the present
- Psychoanalytical
- become aware of hidden meanings or pattern
- Interpersonal
- Focus on relationships and how to communicate with others
- (often a combination is most effective)
- one could also watch/read Berserk
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- It “runs in the family”
- If a family member has had major depression, then you are more likely to have it
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Narcissistic Personality Disorder
- Narcissistic Personality Inventory is a list of 40 questions to see how narcissistic someone is
- NPD happens more in males than females
- Often upset others and struggle in relationships
- Put themselves first and thinks they are always right
- Always talks and thinks only about themselves
- Need attention and admiration
- Exaggerate their talents and achievements
- Think they are special
- Have intense mood swings
- Don’t think about other people’s feelings
- Love success, money, and power a little bit too much
- Will do whatever it takes to ‘win’
- Genes
- Environment (parental relationships, or lack thereof)
- Neurobiology (how their brain is wired)
- NPD can happen in children who are excessively pampered
- It can also happen in children who are ignored or abused
- (Maybe a combination of both)
- People can act narcissistic without having NPD
- There is no cure (ouch)
- but psychotherapy can help :)
- Keep an open mind
- Focus on how treatment can help
- Seek health for any other (mental) health problems
- Listen to your doctor and show up to every appointment
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- It is generally accepted that genes play a role in someone developing NPD, but how much of a role it plays is up for debate
- It is a combo of genes and environment
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