Ted Bundy: "Campus Killer" Is No More!
By: Matthew Tanz
February 28, 2018
Who's This Evil Man?
His First Murder:
August 13, 1962
Anne Marie Burr was 8 years old when she was murdered by Ted during the night. They think she was hidden at a construction site near her house where they were laying cement.
Theodore Robert Bundy was born November 24, 1946 and he was raised by his grandparents rather than his birth parents. His grandparents were married not divorced, no death of anyone close bothered him, other than his parents; no one else "walked out" on him.He seems to have had a normal childhood, he went to school, graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School in 1965, he attended multiple colleges; he went to the University of Puget Sound, and University of Washington. He never finished college however, he lft to do several minimum wage jobs. Everyone who met him said he was an outgoing and charasmatic man. He had a wife named Rose.
Who Is He?
Why did he Kill?
He was described as "Lacking ambition" and was immature in class, that's not why he killed, He was thought to have NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) at first but escalated to Bipolar disorder. He also suffered from nervous breakdowns. He was taking medicine for his NPD and Bipolar disorder. All of this is supposedly why he committed these horrible murders. He was a true Psychopath.
His Phychology
How many did he kill?
A few of his many victims V
He was addicted to pornography especially the brutal/cruel kind, he wanted to turn his fantacies to a reality. He admitted to killing 36 people while people thought he killed upwwards of almost 100 innocent people. He would kill people ages from 8-26 the older ones he would seduce but the younger ones were during his childhood. He would meet his victims at colleges and public places. He would strangle them after raping them, then he would decapitate them or cut them in pieces. He would sometimes freeze their bodies.
Why He Did It
Death of a Killer
Ted Bundy was apprehended 5 times; 1.August 16,1975
2.June 7, 1977
3.June 13,1977
4.December 30, 1977
5.February 15, 1978 (Last)
He was executed by electric chair in Florida after getting charged with multiple counts of aggrivated kidnapping, attempted murder, murder, and some burglary.
The End Of His Time