Emmit Till's Murder
By: Amber W, Aimey V, Michael K, Mara A
Emmett Till
- 14 year old African American boy visting relatives in Money, Mississppi
The Attack
- August 28th 2:30 AM, 1955: Emmett Till is abducted and brutally betan by Roy Bryant and J.W Milam
- Unidentifiable save his father's ring
- Carolyn Bryant accused Till of allegedly whistling at her from across the street
- Husband and brother sought "revenge"
Tactics Used to Promote Civil Rights
Emmett Till's Murder
- When Emmett Till was brutaly murdered his mother wanted people to know what happened to her son.
- Against the police wishes she had her sons body shipped back to Chicago for an open casket funeral.
Open Casket
- Because it was the first open cakset funeral the publicity for it was huge.
The Final Push
- It was broadcasted on the radio shown in the newspaper, as well as on the news.
- Considered "the last straw"
Connection to Other Movements
- Till's murder encoruaged Black Activists to get involved
- Acted as a catalyst for activist foundations to take action
Trail Effect
- Medgar Evers- NAACP Leader
- Emphasized NAACP to assist in case for protection of black witnesses
Acquittal Response
- "It's getting to be a strange thing that the FBI can never seem to work out who is responsible for the killings of Negroes in the South."-Dr. Howard
- First open chastize of FBI overlooking Black victim cases
Power Balance Challenge
- Showed that Black people could hold power and voice in court
First act of "rebelling" to oppression
Direct Relationship
- Lead to an increase of black rebellion and repression in Mississppi
Timeline Connection
- 100 days after Till's murder Rosa Park refused to give up her seat
Instiagted start to Civil Rights Movement
How is this related to today?
Giants Vs Dodgers
- 2011: Bryan Stow, a Giant's fan and San Fransico paramedic, was severly beaten walking back to his car after a Dodger's game and was left with severe brain injuries; he ended up in a coma for 9 months.
Hate Crime
- While both of the cases are severly different in both time and reasoning for the hate crime, it affected the families involved and the victims of both assualts.
- No black representatives in the court
Turn of Events
- Sidney Carlton: If they did not set Roy Bryant or J.W Milam free their ancestors would "roll in their grave"
- White pride
Unfair Trial
- Bryant and Milam were acquitted
- Decision lasted 67 minutes