Frederick Douglass, and Mr Covey.
Who was Mr. Covey?
- Mr. Covey got rented Frederick Douglass for a year, in 1833
- He was known as a "slave breaker"
- He was a farm owner
- Got paid to rent slaves
- Cruel
A run for help
A run for help
- Douglass was getting treated very poorly
- Covey whipped him even after he was weak and bleeding
- Quote from Frederick: "Mr. Covey gave me a very severe whipping, cutting my back, causing the blood to run, and raising the ridges of my flesh as large as my little finger..."
- After enough of this Douglass goes back to run to his master
- Douglass was trying his best to work but was too sick
- Covey was getting angry with him while douglass was unable to even say anything
- Covey hurt him again and again and Frederick was worried he might kill him
- With those worries he crawled his way a few miles to Mr. Aulds household
- Douglass crawling finally made it crawling to Mr auld
- He tells of his concerns with Mr. Covey
- Auld assures him Covey is a good man and would never do that
- Since it was late Auld had sent douglass to go back first thing in the morning, without dinner that night or breakfast that morning
The root
- Douglass goes back to Mr. Covey following day
- Covey chases him wanting to punish him
- Douglass hides in the tall cornfield
- Mr. Covey goes back thinking Douglass would return eventually
- Sandy see's douglass in the cornfield and invites him to his wife's house who he was on his way too
- Douglass goes with sandy
- His wife noticies how hurt Douglass was
- Wife shows Douglass the root
- Douglass was resistant but they convinced him
Fighting back
Fighting Back
- Douglass comes back to Mr.Covey with the root in his right pocket as Sandys wife said
- Mr. Covey is nice to Douglass
- Doulgass wasn't harmed that day in any way at all
- Douglass still questions root but tests it tomorrow
The next day..
- Douglass starts getting threatened by Mr Covey
- Douglass argues back
- Covey tries to hit but doesn't however douglass does
- They begin to fight
- Douglass leaves with none harm done however Covey is the opposite
The next day..
The aftermath
- After this he is left alone
- Mr covey only threatens him
- douglass isn't hit again by Mr covey
A glimpse in the future
- Douglass escaped and was free
- Douglass makes speechs agaisnt slavery
- Wrote his own biograpgphy
- Made a big impact on slavery