FCPH 324 Principles of Epidemiology
Benjamin S. N. C.
International health scientist
1. What is Epidemiology ?
2. Measuring Health & Diseases
Defining health & disease
Measuring disease frequency
Observational epidemiology
1. descriptive
2. ecological
3. cross-sectional
4. case control
5. cohort
1. descriptive
2. ecological
3. cross-sectional
4. case contr...
Experimental epidemiology
1. Randomized control trials
2. Field trials
3. Community trials
1. Randomized control trials
2. Field trials
3. Community trials
4. Epidemiology & prevention: chronic non-communicable diseases
Scope and levels of prevention
1. Primordi...
Scope and levels of prevention
1. Primordial
2. Primary
3. Secondary
4. Tertiary
1. Definition
2. Types of screening
3. Criteria for screening
5. Communicable diseases: epidemiology surveillance &
5. Communicable diseases: epidemiology surveillance...
1. burden of comminicable diseases
2. threats to human security & health systems
1. epidemic & endemic diseases
2. emerging & ...
1. epidemic & endemic diseases
2. emerging & re-emerging infections
investigation and control of epidemics
What knowledge should I demonstrate at the end of all this?
1. the nature and uses of epidemiology
2. the epidemiological approach to defining and measuring the occurrence of healthrelated
states in populations
1. the nature and uses of epidemiology
2. t...
3. the strengths and limitations of epidemiological study designs
4. the epidemiological approach to causation
3. the strengths and limitations of epidemiological study desig...
5. the contribution of epidemiology to the prevention of disease, the promotion of
health and the development of health policy
6. describe the common causes of death, disease and disability in Ghana today
5. the contribution of epidemiology to the prevention of disease, t...