1.3 Viruses are not alive but affect living things.
// What you've read....//
- Viruses share come characteristics with living things.
- Bacteria can be removed through a filter with holes smaller than 1/1,000,000 of a meter in diameter
- some filtering does not remove all of the bacteria
- viruses have a protein outer shell: capsid
What you've read
// Continued //
- Viruses may harm host cells.
- host cell does not benefit
- viruses use the cell's materials, energy, and processes
- most cases: the host cell is destroyed due to the virus bursting out of the cell
- viruses can cause diseases: polio, small pox, diphtheria, AIDS
- 25 million have died from influeza in an outbreak in WWI
- camp was isolated since it spread quickly
- plant viruses -> how might it affect the plant?
- How can a plant virus cause economic damage?
- Today, viruses can be useful for research.