The Confederation OF Canada
BY: Cooper Doan
John A Macdonald
Was a father of confederation he initiated
construction of the intercolonial railway
he mandated canadian pacific to bulid
canada's first transcontenial railway
Key people
William Alexander Henry
Henry emphasized the necessity to unite for
defence and to complete the intercolonial railway
between halifax and quebec his campaign in support of confederation was pursued in the face of the mounting opposition to the qubec scheme nurtured by howe and william annand
Key Events
The Railway Boom
Heavy expansion of the rail system did not get under way until the Railway Guarantee Act of 1849 that guaranteed bond returns on all railways over 75 miles. This led to rapid expansion of railway in the Canadas, sometimes excessive growth as uneconomic lines were built since the government guaranteed profits.However, this proved disastrous for government finances, and the Canadas were all but bankrupted by the subsidies. The largest rail project of this period was also a disaster. The Grand Trunk Railway linking Montreal to Sarnia was finished in 1860, but was vastly mired in debt. In exchange for bailing out the company the government escaped its guarantee on the railway bonds.
In exchange for joining the Canadian Confederation, provinces were promised a railway link. Construction of the railway would provide work for hundreds of thousands people, in addition to establishing Canada’s reputation abroad and encouraging colonization
How would Confederation help
The dominion of Canada was born in 1867 as a Confederation of the four provinces that united to encourage economic devolpment The completion of the first transcontinental railways by canada Pacific in 1885 fulfilled a promise John A macdonald had made to british columbia as a condition for joining the confederatrion
John A Macdonald
Because it was his idea to come up wirth conferderation which solved the political deadlock
Key people
George Brown was a key person becasue he founded The Globe newspaper which told the people of the colony about what is happening at the political meetings
Some of the key events were that recognizing the larger population of canada west and giving them representation
Key Events
The coalition canada east and canada west had an equal amount of parliment when the province canada formed canada east and west had completely different intrests,religion and languages . Political deadlock created becasue they would purposely vote against eachother bills so no new laws could be passed . this deadlock lead to the grest coalition
How would Confederation help
Confederation wuld unite the colonies into one country. This seperates canada east and canada west into thier own provinces so they could decide on local matters independently. Even with the coalition they couldn't come upon agreements . With confederation canada east and canada west would both have their own provincal gouerment to kmake their own decisions .
Changing British Attitudes
John Bright
He spoke about how colonies should have to pay to the british parliment
Key people
Britian free trade happened then they passed taxes then had some money issues so they couldn't decide if they should get rid of some of the colony
some thought confederation was good and some thought it was bad
Key Events
Confederation would help changing british attitudes because the british had little money so they could not afford army and men .so if they joined the confederation they would be supplied troops to fight and deffend their country
How would Confederation help
Threat Of The American Invasion
George -Etienne cartier
lead the province of canada with george brown
Key people
George Brown
Lead the clear grits
The Trent affair was about a union ship that stopped trent ( a british merchent ship ). Two officals were taken from trent and arrested. Britain delcared war on the united states unless the men were realesed and lincoln apoligized
a small group of confederates and their maritime supporters captured the union streamer chesapeake off the coast of Cape cod new brunswick to refuel. The hijackers were joined by two men from halifax.
Key Events
Confederation would wipe away the threat of an american invasion as uniting the colonies would create a stronger military . the united states will try to take over and expand into canada. It would be much safer if all colonies were united in a confederation
How would Confederation help
Of The
Governer Elgin
Elgin was the man that signed the treaty
of cancellation of the reciprocity system on june 5th 1854
Key people
The governor signs the treaty of the cancellation of reciprocity treaty
Key Events
The treaty wasn't renewed in 1865 so it ended in 1866
The colonies believed that joining together would prosperity and free trade amongst themselves.
How would Confederation help
Conferderation Today !!