working in the healthcare sector
unit 18 healthcare provision
by lucy, zoe and vanessa
- to protect the public
- to set standards
- make sure nurse/midwifes are up to date with training
- protect the public and their wellbeing
- regulate healthcare assistants to make sure they're doing their job properly
- to treat service users with respect and dignity
Responsibilities of NMC
- to treat people as individuals
- uphold dignity
- make sure PIES is assesed
- respect privacy, confidentiality
- keep records clear
- to make sure preferences are taken into consideration
Present more details here
role of NHS
- primary healthcare service
- guidance and support
- helps to improve health of public
role of NHS
- primary healthcare servi...
to make sure that the public are fit and healthy to improve public health
respectful to service users differences
to prescribe the correct medication
to use the correct language
to explain advanatges and disadvantages so the service user can make an informed decision.
to make sure that the public are fit and healthy ...
The equality act:
- stops discrimination
- the six key protected characteristics
- staff won't be fired/unemployed because of personal characteristics
- everyone is treated equally
- service user won't be discriminated against for something they cannot help
- staff won't be fired/unemployed because ...
manual haldling operations 2002:
- ensures safe lifting of service users
- staff are using correct lifting
- less chance of injury
These legislations have put in place guidance, rule and support for both service users and staff to provide good health provision. The staff are trained properly and informed of the correct way to do things (lifting and treating people equally) so that the service users are in a safe position and they feel comfortable with their care.
These legislations have put in place guidance, rule and support f...
role of workforce development
- staff can gain knowledge and skills to improve work & to meet targets.
- Inspections
- Meet the required standard of care and equipments are up to date and secure.
- Identifies risk,hazards
- Alows services and patients be more aware.
Nursing registration (revalidation)
- Demonstrate on the regular basis that they are able to deliver effectively.
- stay up to date up code of practice and any updated legislation and regulation.
- Prevent medical errors
- Sets out direction for the NHS
- in charge of orgnanisation/encouragement
- free healthcare
- Sets out direction for the N...
- free healthcare
- equality
- lifesaving treatment
language barrier
not everyone uses it - clinical iceburg
medication can be expensive
wasting time- coming in for unnecesary things
- free healthcare
- equality
- lifesavi...
- a register for nurses and midwifes
- ensures they are qualified and competent to work in the UK.
- up to date training
- a register for nurses and midwif...
- staff are trained to make sure they are doing their job properly
- equality
- language barrier
- may not be trained
- may not be up to date
- may not have qualifications
- hard to keep everyone up to date time consuming
- staff are trained to make sure th...