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트렌드 검색
Without pollinators, most plants cannot produce fruits and seeds. The fruits and seeds of flowering plants are an important food source for people and wildlife.
Bees are one of the bigest pollenators which are going endangered. If bees die we go too they are they most common pollenators. (see endangered topic) Bees can help pollenate at least 30% of the worlds crops and 90% of our wild plants.
The process by which plant pollen is transferred from the male reproductive organs to the female reproductive organs to form seeds. Which is spread by animals, bees, wind, etc.
1. POLINATION: pollen is carried by wind or a pollinator to another flower.
2. FERTILIZATION: pollen reaches the carpel of the flower then travel to the ovary where it fertalizes the egg cells to make seeds.
3. DISPERSAL: These seeds are then carried by wind or animal to create more plants.
Some ways to save bees are, Planting gardens or green spaces in your comunity, Limit the use of pestisides on blooming plants, and buy local organic fruits vegtables and honey that suport bee keepers.
To make a bee garden you want to plant things that attract bees such as daises and marigolds and dandilions.
Pestisides include insectisides, herbisides, bacterisides, fungisides, and algesides. When a bee is affected by these things it attacks them and will kill them.
Organic foods are free of pestisides which make you take control and put the word out saying that you are taking a stand for a better world with no pestisides and more bees!
The bees are being swept out of their homes due to habitat destruction, urbanization of non-native animals, non-native plant species and natural disastors.
If bees died we would only have 4 years left on earth. Bees, are the main source of plant pollenation and without them we would not have many plants.
Effect of
bees dying
Bees effect our econmy by creating more crops, the more crops we have the more money and food we have.