AD Hackathon
Team Big Bird - Gail Kirkpatrick, Shane Gadsby & Steph Piper
Our Challenge
- 7 yo
- Primary diagnosis - Global Developmental Delay, x5 secondary diagnoses
- Highly destructive behaviours
Challenge: Device to create sensory experiences to help manage and monitor behaviour of a child and reduce/eliminate minor and major damage to his house (currently what happens).
The Story Clock is a simple, yet effective product building on effective aids with a modern twist.
Created with Raspberry Pi, aplay, neopixels, motor & clocks
Social Stories as Powerful Aids
Social Stories as Powerful Aids
- Social Stories are a series of images detailing how to navigate situations. The stories try to help the person with a autism spectrum disorder have a better understanding of the parameters of a problem situation and to have some idea of how to cope, manage, or operate within that situation. - Carol Gray, lead developer of social stories
- Social stories are widely used aids. In Australia, with a referral from a GP, custom social stories can be developed with a psychologist where the cost can be reclaimed with Medicare
- 'Count downs' are also very useful for Jacob in assisting with an activity transition.
- Children with a diagnosis benefit from both of these techniques as sensory aids
How does it work?
- The Story clock tells the when and the what of the day, giving a sensory experience that includes images and voice.
- This allows the user to stay intune with a daily schedule and recenter themselves by looking at the clock
- When an activity is about to change, a voice and light countdown is activated to aid in activity transition for the user
- If an activity is completed, the button can be pressed to switch to the next. This allows the user to feel ownership of their schedule
The Innovation
- This design builds upon existing technologies, creating a modern solution without alienating users who may not be tech saavy.
- This plug and play, easy to use design allows simple or complex customisation with print and draw templates.
- Not seen on the market before
Business Strategy
Business Strategy
Occupational Therapists, Child Safety, Psychologists
Australian Distribution
- ASD Webstores
- Modern Teaching Aids
- Disability specialty stores
- Teacher PD Providers
Australians Living with a Disability
18.2% of Americans are diagnosed with Mental Illness
(Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
18.5% of Australians live with a Disability
(2012 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC)
Mental/Behvaioural Disabilities
1 in 68 children are diagnosed with ASD in the US
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014)
924,500 Australians live with a Mental and Behavioural Disorder
(2015 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers)
(2015 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers)
Market the product as:
- A scheduling aid
- An improvement to social stories
- An aid for people who have a diagnosed disability
- A memory aid
- A trauma aid
- An organisational aid
Future Developments
- Integration with Google Home, an automation system to add in commands
- Integrated web app
- Integration with google calendar
- Database of templates, including cultural variation
- Digital version for tech saavy
- Various aesthetic options
- Task Gamification