Map of Assyrian Empire
Assyrian Emprian
The Collapse
Assyrians Conquer Israel & Phoenician Cities
- The Assyrian Empire fell because they had too much territory and overpoulation.
- The Assyrians experienced a severe drought.
The Fall
- As the Assyrians conquered these cities, they gained more power.
- They took over cities like Simyra, Aradus, Byblos, and more.
The Rise
The Assyrians gradually gained power overtime.
Failing to Protect
Weapon Advantage
The Rise
Assyrians experienced major conflict.
- The Assyrian military had too much land to protect, which led to the fall of the Assyrian Empire.
- There was not enough people in their military to protect the Assyrian capital.
- The Assyrains were the first to develop iron weapons.
- The iron weapons were advantages to them since they were superior towards the bronze weapons that their enemies were using
& Fall of the
Discussion Question
What could the Assyrian Empire do to prevail against opposing opponents?