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the city of Tenochtitlan was built in the June of 1325 by the Aztecs
according to the Aztecs they were commanded by there god to travel across the mountain ranges and find the perfect place for their new homeland so they found Tenochtitlan after a long journey of 150 years
Aztecs controlled a huge population so they needed a big resident area
it is said that the nobles lived close to the castle so part near the castle can also be called noble residence area
it is said that the nobles lived close to the castle so part near the castle can also be called noble residence area
whereas the commoners lived away from the castle this system was made to give nobles more comfort
marketplaces had a lot of goods that Aztecs liked like bird feathers etc.
the main Aztec food sold here were pumpkins , squash, corn , beans chilies and tomatoes
the food was supplied from the farm houses to the market place the Aztec farmers were supposed to give some of their crops to the government as tax
and rest was sold to the other merchants in the market
the farmhouses acted as mini farms
people used to keep their cows and other farm animals in the farmhouse area
farmers used to keep their crops here before giving it to the merchants.
farmers also used this place as workstations for making natural fertilizers etc.
this area consisted of farms and chinampas the farmers owned most of this place.
the gods were the most important for the Aztecs the human sacrifice and other religious Aztec ceremony's were performed here
(Mr. Ng's screen casts)
(some kingdom and tax revenue knowledge)