ASU Library Badges
A history of badging at the library
Credly and Wordpress
Canvas Badges
LibLessons and CredID
- Credly is a credentialing program. WordPress hosted the tutorials and information.
- Due to low supportability issues with Credly, the ASU Library no longer uses this platform.
- Badgr is a credentialling program that embeds within a single canvas course.
- Students self-enroll into the classes, after completion students download the certificate and submit it their instructors
- Badgr did not always issue badges to students.
- Canvas bought Badgr and it was converted to Canvas Badges.
- After the company was bought out, Canvas Badges has less features and support than Badgr. The higher tier version, Canvas Credentials, is too costly for ASU.
- We still maintain and support pre-exisitng Canvas Badges to this day.
- ASU is building a credentialling system called CredID.
- LibLessons are self-enroll classes that students complete and submit their grade to their faculty member as a PDF. We create new learning objects and promote this tool.
- We maintain and update all exisitng digital learning objects in LibWizard, Canvas Badges, and Canvas Commons. We do not promote or create new learning objects in these platforms.
Future Strategy
Increase Advocacy
- Advocate for features supporting seemless asychronous library instruction
- Streamline automatic grade function for faculty.
- Improve user experience
- Consistent and reliable issuance
- Promote reuse
- Increase capacity to sequence skills/knowledge throughout degree programs
- Evaluation and Assessment
- Access to user data to support continuous improvement and enable the library to demonstrate contributions to student success.
- Create credentials for non-ASU to support Data Science and Analytics
University-wide Capacity Building
- Aligning this tool for function beyond the library:
- The career center and student success and other non-course with content that professors want their students to engage in their course.
LibKits (Canvas Commons)
- LibWizard is a SpringShare program that offers quizzes.
- Students complete the tutorials on our website ( and then complete the LibWizard quiz.
- LibWizard does not integrate into Canvas and requires students to save a pdf copy of their quiz grade and submit it as an assignment to their professor.
- URLs provide an easy way to push updates, but we recieve little no no data on the usage.
- We still maintain and use pre-existing LibWizard quizzes to this day.
- Canvas Commons is a resource to share Canvas Modules. Faculty are able to embed our modules directly into our courses.
- Once faculty download the content we lose ownership, the ability to track analytics, and the ability to push updates.
- Updates pushed to Canvas Commons requires faculty to see and accept these updates. Updated content will not override the previous content, which requires faculty to manually delete outdated information from their course shells.
- We still maintain and support pre-existing LibKits to this day.
- Niche - A library program that promises integration with Canvas as well as SpringShare (LibGuides, AskALibrarian, LibWizard and more). We reached out to one librarian who had previously used Niche and did not receive a positive endorsement of the product.
- Orchard - Currently has limitations for different Canvas subaccounts. There is potential use in the future.
- ASU Pocket - Has a lot of promise, but still requires us to manually award each badge, which is not a considerable option.
- SCORM & Rise Packages - We have sent packages to faculty and instructional designers, but it still doesn’t allow for us to update or have any valuable data; it is also difficult to track where our content lives.
Lisa Kammerlocher, ELI Division Head
Charisa Deremiah, Instructional Designer, Sr.
Jessica Jenner, Instructional Designer