Mao Zedong vs Adolf Hitler
- Mao did not have an official army. He used guerilla forces.
- Instigated a military revolution against his opposition.
- Communist based ideology.
- Redistrubted land to peasants to garner support.
- Agricultrual based economy
- Aimed to gain power through elctions and office means
- Was in an Industrial economy
- Had a race baced ideology that focused on the betral by the goverment and jews
- Gained favor througth appeling to the upper class and biuness
- Both attained power becuase of unstable economic and poltical conditions.
- Both opposed the Soviet Union.
- Both elimnintated internal opposition through incaceration and exacution.
- Encourgaed the public to inform on those who aligned with opposing idelogy.
- Centered ideology on their public image. Creating a cult like behavoir that unified the unstable social conditions in their respective nation.
- Used rhetoric to rally and poise the public against foreign intervention.
- Promoted economic reforms using the populaton to construct infrastructre.
- Both used propaganda that promoted the qualities of their regime and connotated their opposiion as a negative.