Antibiotic Susceptibility Test
College of Pharmacy
Department of Pharmacognosy
Practical Medical Microbiology
Second stage- Lab 6
Assist. Lecturer: Shokhan Osman
Why it is important to
doing AST Test in Lab?
- To know the sensitivity and the resistant rates of
a specific microorganism to several antibiotics.
- It help us to choose an effective antibiotics to stop the growth of Microorganism that infecting individuals.
- To decrease Antibiotic resistant bacteria by reducing Antibiotic misuse by the physicians patients.
- To determine Antibiotic sensitive and resistant strains of bacteria and other microorganism in Kurdistan Region.
- Introduction
- Antibiotic Susceptibility
- Methods
- Preparation of Bacterial inoculum
- Kirby-bauer Method (Disc diffusion Test) & procedure.
- Measurement of the inhibition zones diameter.
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this Lab you will learn:
- Different methods for determining the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics.
- Procedure of Kirby-Bauer method.
- Measurement of the sensitivity of bacteria to drug depend on the standard Antibiotic table.
Antibiotic Sensitivity Test
- is a laboratory method for determining the susceptibility of Microorganisms to the antibiotics.
- AST is carried out to determine which antibiotic will be most successful in
treating bacterial infection invivo.
AST methods
1. Kirby-Bauer Method (Disc diffusion method).
2. Dilution method.
3. Epsilometer test or simply E-Test.
1. Kirby-bauer method
- Bacterial inoculum: McFarland standards are used as a reference to adjust the turbidity of bacterial suspensions so that the number of bacteria will be within a given range (1.5* 10*8 CFU/mL).
- emulsify 2-3 colonies in sterile saline matching the turbidity that standard.
Kirby-Bauer Method
1. Muller Hinton Agar.
2. Bacterial culture.
3. Antibiotic Disks.
4. Turbidity Standard (0.5 Mcfarland)
5. Swabs.
6. Flame.
7. Gloves.
8. Forceps
9. Ruler
Kirby-bauer method
1. Kirby-bauer Procedure
1. Muller Hinton agar is used for AST test.
2. Take 24-48 hours old broth (Liquid) culture of bacteria to be tested.
3. Place a sterile cotton swab in the bacterial suspension.
4. Streak the swab in three directions over the surface of the Mueller-Hinton agar to obtain uniform growth.
5. Allow the plates to dry for five minutes.
6. Using sterile forceps to transfer Antibiotic disks with a fixed concentration on the
surface agar plates at equal distance.
7. Incubate the plates at 37C for
24 hours then measure the
diameter of inhibition zones.
Measurment of inhibition zones
in diameter
Measurment of results
Students activity
- Group A (AST test for Staphylococcus aureus)
- Group B (AST test for Streptococcus sp.)
- Group C (AST test for E. coli)
Learning material
Learning Materials
Shokhan Mahmud