Poverty in the Elizabethan Times
By: Sarah, Brittney, and Iman
- The poor were the lowest class in society.
- In earlier times the church would take care of the poor but, under Queen Elizabeth I, the government took the responsibility.
- The Elizabethan poor laws were one of the first government sponsored welfare program.
- The program was financed by taxes that everybody would pay.
The Elizabethan Poor laws
- The Elizabethan poor laws were also known as: THE POOR RELIEF ACT
- This law was passed in 1601
The Elizabethan Poor laws
The Elizabethan Poor laws were developed over the course of a century
Categories of the poor
The Poor people were categorized and treated differently based on which category they were in:
- ‘Deserving Poor’ were people who were unable to take care of themselves.
- ‘Undeserving poor’ people who did not deserve government funding because they were not willing to work.
- ‘Deserving unemployed’ were people who were physically able to earn a living but they were unable to find work.
- Poor harvests and population increase
- land Enclosure
· During the Elizabethan times, a series of poor harvests occurred. As a result the price of food went up and many people suffered from starvation.
· The population rose from 3 to 4 Million people
- Wool trade had became popular so the land in which peasants would farm was used for reering sheep.This required less jobs than farming so many people were jobless.
Who lived where?
Lower Class:
- They lived in small houses made out if timber and wattle
- They did not have much money to spend things they needed
- They lived a very unpleasant life
Middle class:
- Most of them lived in the upper floors of their homes, and had their shops in the lower floor
Upper class;
- Lived in magnificent homes
- Had houses made of stone and expensive brick
- The halls in their homes were where they hosted their parties and other gatherings
What Did They Eat?
- The rich were greedy, and would buy anything they needed, or wanted
- They ate meat, white bread, fish, venision, beef, pork, lamb, and many more fine foods that the poor could not afford
- The poor ate unseasoned vegetables since that was all they could afford
- Trade and industry flourished in the 16th century, and England started improving their living standards
- Though, the lower class, did not benefit as much as the middle and upper class
- They still did not always have enough food
The jobs were a struggle in the Elizabethan times. No, you did not wake up at six, but at the crack of dawn.
Poor People Jobs
- Peasant farmers did most of the labour, working on fields until the sun went down.
- Women would make clothes or teach at schools, or just stay home and manage the house.
- Most of the poor people didn't have homes, so they'd wander cities and for that they were punished
- The poor in the city lived in poor conditions with a lot of sewage and theives
Middle Class Jobs
- Most of the middle class jobs were in the city
- They and the upper class people could afford education
- They were landowners, blacksmiths, scribes, marshals and all that nice paying stuff.
- They actually had homes, unlike the poor
Quiz Time !!
Q1) What were the categories of the lower class in the Elizabethan Times?
Q2) What were the reasons of poverty?
Q3)What kind of houses did the poor live in?
Q4)How did the diet differ between the rich and the poor?
- Bonus: What were the houses that the poor lived made of?
- http://www.elizabethan-era.org.uk/the-poor-law.htm
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/tudors/poverty_01.shtml
- http://www.theinitialjourney.com/life-issues/poverty-in-elizabethan-england/
- https://prezi.com/y26aqeu3djxp/poverty-in-the-elizabethan-era
- /https://www.britannica.com/event/Poor-Law
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Act_for_the_Relief_of_the_Poor_1601