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Promotions, discounts and deals
Social proof
-social media groups/forums they are interested in
-influences on buying behaviour
-64% of online consumers wait to buy things until they go for sale
Social Media Influencer
-decision making -> credible and validated through the behavior of others
-greater force for buying decisions
-propensity to copy others
more likely to buy when they get recommendations from celebrities
49% of consumers seek guidance from social media influencers before making a buying decision
positive influence will encourage the consumer to buy the product
How do social media influence consumer behaviour?
Product awareness
-ability to affect consumer behaviour
-consumers who are influenced by social media are 4 times more likely to spend more on purchases
-influence can be so high that 29% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase on the same day of using social media
huge influence
search for a solution
know a brand through the content on social media
aim -> influence and understand consumer behaviour
Action item 5
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