Problems in Education and SChool Social work
Problematic Areas in Education
Question of Quality
Question of Quality
- National Assessment of Adult Literacy
- 30 Million people in the U.S. are estimated to have below basic literacy skills
- U.S. students continue to be out performed by students in other developed countries.
Equal access to Quality education
Equal access to quality education
- Failed the attempt of Egalitarian Society
- Studies have found social class to be the most effective predictor of achievement in schools
- Family Background
- School System
- Jonathan Kozol
- Pygomalion affect
- Brown v. Board of Education
- White Flight
Confusion About the goals of education
Confusion about the goals of education
- Teaching and perpetuating sexism
- Sexual Education
- Promote or Discourage bilingual education
- Special education into regular classes
- Prayers in school
- Private school
Intolerable Working Conditions
- The U.S. ranks last of all the major industrialized nations
- Disenchantment with teaching
- High rates of drug and alcohol abuse among students
- Insufficient instructional supplies
- High student to teacher ratio
- Cyberbullying
Intolerable Working Conditions
Strategies to improve Education
Increase Incentives for teachers
- What are Incentives?
- "Master Teaching"
- Mentoring System
Increase Incentives for Teachers
Improve Curriculum
Improve the curriculum
- In what direction should curriculum be improved?
- Concerns Shifted
- Annual Testing
- Critical Thinking Movement
Allow parental choice of schools
- Voucher System
- Reasons for parents choice
- Problem with parental choice
- Providing funds to religous private schools
Parental Choice of schools
expand preschool programs
- Expand the number of preschool programs
- Positive effects
- Huge Impact and Improvements
- Things that are less likely to occur
Expanded preschool programs
Ways toward equal education opportunity
Things to help with integration
- Busing within school districts
- Neighborhood schools
- "Magnet" schools
Why does this matter?
some of the Things put in place for the poor/minorities
- Scholarships
- Tutoring
- Assessment for benefits
- Counseling
Reasons how equal school financing has declined
- Wealthy Schools
- Decaying inner cities
- Property tax payers are unable to pay annual increases
- Behavioral
- Mental Health
- Alcohol and drug abuse
- Violence prevention
- Systems change
- Program Research
What do they do?
- They tend to help both families or individuals with specific problems. They can give advice and give people the correct resources needed to fix the issues
- Example
What do they do?
group worker
What do they do?
- Their goal is to fight for the rights of others and work to find the resources that they are needed
- Example
What do they do?
Truant officer
What do they do?
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.
-Dr. Seuss, from The Lorax