Teacher Work Sample Chart
Shannon Viens
December 16, 2019
Amanda Schoonover
Teacher Work Sample Chart
Purpose of a Teacher Work Sample
"The Teacher Work Sample (TWS) is a performance-based assessment tool for teacher candidates to demonstrate ability to plan, deliver, and assess a standards-based instructional sequence, analyze student learning, and reflect on teacher candidate's instruction and student learning to improve teaching practice"
"Major Elements There are seven major elements to a Teacher Work Sample. These elements include context of learning, learning goals, assessment plans, design for instruction, instructional decision making, analysis of student learning, and reflection and self- evaluation."(https://www.coursehero.com/file/13662825/Week-2-TWS-Reflection/)
The teacher uses information from the content being taught and aligns context to sent goats, objectives and assessment planing and instructions.
What is the learning Goal/Objectives
Set challenging goals and objectives for learners to grow.
Assessment Plan
Pre-assessment, Post assessment and assessments during a lesson assist in learner retention and understanding of information.
A timeline/plan of lesson goals.
Decisions about Instruction
Asking context and comprehension questions to ensure learner understanding.
Assessment Analysis
Track progress of learners, formative and summative.
Look back and reflect on changes that can be made to the lesson, what went right and what can be changed for next time.
Evaluate the lesson, if being observed, peer evaluate and reflect.
The use of a Teacher Work Sample in the classroom is to help a teacher or student demonstrate skills. Teachers can demonstrate areas that need improvement and areas that growth has occurred.
Questions and Concerns
How often are Teacher work samples used in a classroom setting?
Can they be used from year to year?
Will a mentoring teacher assist in the making of a the Teacher Work Sample?
With technology that is used in the classroom, are Teacher Work Samples going obsolete?