Also known as the Inocent
- The TimeLine of the Salem Witch Trials
- The Trigger Events & The Origins
- King Williams War
- Adolecent Civillians
- Increase of Accusations & Trials
- Community Fearmongering
- Corruption & contrivrsal evidence
- The Trials end & the Legacy
- The Executions
- contriversal Memorilazation
The TimeLine of the Salem Witch Trials
Work Cited
- The Origins and Trigger event(1692)
- The esscalation of Accusations and The Trials(1692)
- The conclusion of the Trials and The Leagacy(late 1692-early 1693)
- Blumberg, J. (2022, October 24). A Brief History of the Salem Witch Trials. Smithsonian;
- Hubbard, C. (2022). Haunted Happenings and Hocus Pocus. Pomegranate, 23(1-2).
- Purdy, E. (2023, August 4). Salem Witch Trials. The Free Speech Center.
- Roach, M. K. (2013). Six women of Salem : the untold story of the accused and their accusers the Salem witch trials. Perseus Books Group.
The Trigger event & Origins
- The Trigger event can be refered to as King Williams War.
- This was conflict on American soil between france and britan
- The confict created discourse among the community creating the perfect enviroment to insight mass hysteria.
- The Origins of these events can be traced back to the Children of Salem.
- 9 year old Elizabeth Parris and 11 year old Abigail Williams were the first two to allegiedly be plauged by "Fits" Which they later conffeced were inflicted on them by the Local women
- 12 Year old Ann Putnam Jr. Accuses Tituba, Sarah Good, and Sarah Osborne after her apperant "fit".
The Salem Witch Trials
By: Kyle Hawkins
The conclusion of the Trials and its Legacy
The Esscalation of Accusations and The Trials.
- In the end of the trials, out of the 200+ accused 20 individuals would lose their life's to the noose or the stone.
- Today's lore revolves around slaem contributig to the halloween market. In recent years the town has taken responsibility to memorilizing the Inocent lives lost.
Now its time to explain how the Trials were held and how the Accusations escalted so tramindusly.
- Understanding the Fear of "the Devil" & "witches was Real in this era.
- Local experts even testefied to the Supernatual. Helping to Insight the masses.
- These are just a few examples of how accusations carried on.
- The procedings carried out carried no Due process.
- Trials relied upon Personal accusations, bodily examinations and multiple unothordoxed forms of evidence.