Do this with a member(s) of your family or a friend(s) online.
Our Dreams
Look at each dream topic, and try to remember if you have ever, or recently had a dream about it. If so, click on the sub-topic by it. It will tell you the supposed symbolic significance to your dream. When you have read all, share 1 or 2 dreams with each other. Keep them clean!
Have you ever had a dream that involved animals?
Animals often represent the part of your psyche
that feels connected to nature and survival. Being
chased by a predator suggests you're holding back
repressed emotions like fear or aggression.
Have you ever had a
dream that involved
Babies can symbolize that you want to have a baby someday, or it's about your own vulnerability or need to
feel loved. They can also signify a new start.
Have you ever had a dream about being chased?
Being chased is one of the most common dream
symbols in all cultures. It means you are feeling
threatened, so reflect on who is chasing you (they may
also be symbolic) and why they are a possible threat in
real life.
Being chased
Have you ever had a dream about clothing?
Clothes make a statement about how we want other
people to perceive us. If your dream symbol is shabby
clothing, you may feel unattractive or worn out.
Changing what you wear may reflect a lifestyle change.
Have you ever had a dream about an exam or tests?
Exams can signify self-evaluation, with the
content of the exam, or whatever your exam is about could reflect the part of your
personality or life under inspection.
Have you ever had a dream that you were falling?
Falling is a common dream symbol that relates to
our anxieties about letting go, losing control over
a situation, or somehow failing after a success.
Have you ever had a dream about food?
Food is said to symbolize knowledge, because it
nourishes the body just as information nourishes
the brain. Food for thought?
Have you ever had a dream about Hands?
Hands are always present in dreams but when they are
tied up it may represent feelings of futility, feeling pointless or useless. Washing
your hands may express guilt. Looking closely at your
hands in a dream means you want to be understood.
Have you ever had a dream about houses?
Houses can host many common dream symbols, but
the building as a whole represents your inner psyche.
Each room or floor can symbolize different emotions,
memories and interpretations of meaningful events.
Have you ever had a dream about marriage?
Marriage may be a literal desire to wed or a
merging of the feminine and masculine parts of
your psyche.
Have you ever had a dream about Money?
Money can symbolize self worth. If you dream
of exchanging money, it may show that you're
anticipating some changes in your life.
Have you ever had a dream about people?
People (other dream characters) are reflections of your own
psyche, and may demonstrate specific aspects of your own
personality. Consider how the person is acting in your
dream and how that reflects your current state of being.
Have you ever had a dream about Mountains?
Mountains are obstacles, so to dream of successfully
climbing a mountain can reveal a true feeling of
achievement. Viewing a landscape from atop a
mountain can symbolize that your life is being viewed without being judged.
Have you ever had a dream about Radio or TV?
Radios and TVs can symbolize communication
channels between the conscious and subconscious
Have you ever had a dream about school?
Schools display a need to know and understand
yourself, fuelled by life's own lessons.
Have you ever had a dream about teachers?
Teachers, aside from being literal manifestations
of people, can represent an authority figure in
your life or someone you want to enlighten you.
Have you ever had a dream about teeth?
Teeth are common dream symbols. Dreaming
of losing your teeth may show a hidden fear of
getting old or being unattractive,
Have you ever had a dream about being trapped?
Being trapped (physically) is a common
nightmare theme, reflecting your real life
inability to escape or make the right choice.
Have you ever had a dream about water?
Water comes in many forms and can symbolize
the subconscious mind. Calm pools of water
reflect inner peace while a choppy ocean can
suggest unease.
Have you ever dreamed about vehicles?
Vehicles may reflect how much control you
feel you have over your life - for instance is the
car out of control, or is someone else driving
Have you ever dreamed about machines not working?
faulty machines
This dream often means that you feel you are losing
touch with reality, or that a part of your body or
mind is not functioning as it should. It can also
occur when you are feeling anxious about making a
connection with another person in real life.
Have you ever had a dream about bad weather?
Bad weather represents worry and anxiety that is beginning
to spin out of control. People who frequently get this dream
are usually worry-warts! These dreams are a reflection of
what is really going on inside their psyche and show that
worry and anxiety are destructive forces.
bad weather
Have you ever dreamed about failing a test?
This dream usually means that you are feeling
tested in some way in your real life. You may feel