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Deciduous Biomes

Life Science Section 2

Deciduous Fauna


Bob cat


Please make a new subtopic with the name of your animal followed by your initials



Grizzly Bear

Grizzly Bear

Finley S.

Scientific name: Ursus arctos horribilis

Niche: Grizzly bears play an important

role in forest ecosystems as seed dispersers and nutrient providers

Predatation: the most common way of grizzly hunting is spot and stalk


Mating occurs from May through July, with a peak in mid-June. The age at which females produce their first litter varies from 3 to 8 years old with litter size varying from 1 to 4 cubs.






Red Wolf

Scientific name: Canis rufus

Red wolves niche is to keep prey species numbers in check. Red wolves diets are large they will eat white-tailed deer, raccoons and smaller mammals like rabbits, rodents and nutria. Red wolves like to mate sometime during febuary. Red wolves stand about 26 inches at their shoulder and are about 4 feet long from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. WL

Red Wolf Walter L

Beaver HT


Scientific Name: Castor

Niche: The beaver hinders soil erosion and promotes water level rise. Ponds start to grow from water becasue the beaver makes dams. Then a bunch of lillies start showing up.

Eating Habits: Beavers enjoy eating leaves, twigs, and bark from a lot of deciduous trees, but mainly especially aspen and poplar.

Courtships/Mating Habits: To find a mate, the female beaver releases pheromones when she is ready. Male beavers check these mounds frequently during mating season, beavers look at the mounds to see if its a mature femal beaver.

Interesting Facts

A beaver's teeth, which are orange due to their protective coating. There teeth never stop growing.

Beavers cant burp, but they can fart.

Native Americans respected beavers by calling them “Little People”.

Interesting facts


Procyon lotor

Racoons mostly eat scraps and kind of scavenge giving them the name "Trash Pandas" They are famous for digging though trash cans to find food scraps

Racoon Liam

Hand washing tutorial

Cant I eat some corn in peace


I mostly just explained what they eat, but I will restait that they are omnovaurs and usually eat fruits and berrys.


I gunna be late to work

Idk man seems kinda scetchy

Im the racoon Joey Chestnut

Jimmy youve gotta try this


Male racoons will try to mate with multiple females per season but a female will only mate once and avoid other males after breeding


Stay away im already taken

Hey I know you like me

Red fox, S.Y, Vulpes vulpes

The red fox is the largest true fox. It also is an invasive species. They live North of the Equator in North Europe and North of North America.

Red fox

The Niche


The red fox doesn't make it's own burrows, they steal other animals, but normally the other animals den might be abandoned. In addition to that, they can also make their own dens, maybe under trees, maybe in a cave, or possibly a hollow tree! Also, when it is warmer where they already reside, they will migrate North and accidentally go to far and get really cold, they can die, the red fox is pretty resistent to cold though.

The Diet

Red foxes are omnivores! The eat everything from berries to rabbits and rodent. They will hunt, but can also scavenge for food. Like racoons, they also can rummage for food in dumpsters.


Reproduction, mating habits

Red foxes only mate once a year, this occuring in the late Winter, January or Febuary. While this is happening, the foxes usually yip and scream and bark at each other. One litter contains around 4 or 5 little baby foxes.


Black-capped chickadee

Scientific name: Poecile atricapillus

Niche: Willl group up with other types of birds (titmice, Nathatches, ect.

Eating: Mostly Insects

Mating/breeding: Can breed with mountain, carolina or even boreal chickadees

Intresting facts: The more "dee's" there are in a "chicka-dee-dee-dee" the higher the threat level.

Black-capped chickadee



the ostrich

as we all know the ostich is the biggest bird in the world with a hight of 9 feet. the ostrich has a diet of plants but is can also eat snakes,lizards,insects and rodents. some females may mate on wondering males and other times a the terratorial male is palygamaus and may mate with other females.



Red panda

Red panda



Scientific name: Ailurus fulgens

Niche: Helps balance the ecosystem

Diet: Bamboo

Interesting facts: Thy are vegetarian carnivores

Red pandas brred usally in early inter on a year



Lynx rufus is the scientific name for the bobcat. Bobcats live in swamps, deserts and forests. They eat mice , chickens, birds and rabbits. Most bobcats live between 5 and 15 years and can weigh between 15 and 30 pounds.

Gray Fox

By Pierce

Gray Fox


Like most other foxes gray foxes find a small sucluded space to go and mate. They also only mate from January to March.



Gray foxes mainly eat things like small mammals, insects, and some plants. Gray foxes hunt in groups of males and leave the females at home.



Like most other foxes, gray foxes dig small hole in the ground and fill it with leaves and sticks.


Timber Wolf

Scientific Name: Canis lupus lycaon


According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, timber wolves have the distinction of having historically had the animal species with the single-widest geographic range. That is no longer true because wolves are extinct in many areas of western Europe and North America. Even though these dogs are no longer found in a large portion of their former habitats, they can still be found in peaceful regions of Canada, Alaska, Asia, and Europe. The timber wolf range also includes parts of China, Germany, Romania, Greenland, France, and Armenia. Only a few states in the US, including Michigan, Wisconsin, Montana, and Alaska, are home to timber wolves.

Eating Habits

Eating abits

Timber wolves can typically survive if food is plentiful, but only in northern climates. As carnivorous creatures, timber wolves frequently consume caribou, moose, bison, elk, beavers, musk oxen, and wild boar. On occasion, they also eat the decaying remains of dead animals. Timber wolves occasionally search through trash bins for food.

Mating Habits

In general, wolves are monogamous creatures. When wolves pair up, the relationship is frequently lifelong. They typically take turns taking care of their offspring when they reproduce. While only alpha wolves breed, the entire wolf pack works together to care for young. Alpha female pack members who are of lower social status assist the alpha mothers in caring for their young.


These perceptive furries value GPS just like we do. Timber wolves' howls can act as a GPS, much like how our phones can send our location. They can signal others and let them know where they are by howling loudly. Timber wolves howl at a high pitch, which allows it to travel up to ten miles.

Eastern Chipmunk (Y.S)

The scientific name of the Eastern Cipmunk is Tamias striatus. The Eastern Chipmunk is a ground-dwelling mammal. These Chipmunks mate twice a year. The female rasies the child alone. The male only mates for the sake of mating. Chipmunks are omnivores that eat berries, seeds, nuts, insects, worms, snails, and more. Did you know they do not hibernate, but will enter a torpor state.

Eastern Chipmunk


Sloth Bear

Scientific Name: Melursus ursinus

Sloth Bear


Sloth bears help with the seed dispersal of plants and they also help control termite populations by eating them.



Sloth bears primarily myrmecophagous animals, which means the eat termites and ants. They hunt them by their excellent sense of smell. They also eat fruit, honey and plans.



Sloth bears are monogamous. In India, sloth bears mate from Spring to the beginning of in summer, while in Sri Lanka, breeding is all year. When the cub is born, unlike other bears, the sloth bear will carry its young on its back routinely until it is 6-9 months old.


*Interesting Facts*

  • Sloth bears can close their nostrils completely, which protects them from dust and insects when they raid termite nests or beehives.
  • Adult sloth bears don't have top 2 front teeth so they can suck termites out of their nests easily.

Other Fun Facts

By: Sajidah Said

Musk Rat

Even though the muskrat is not a rat, it is a common herbivore in Minnesota's wetlands. The only mammals that build homes in the water are muskrat and its larger cousin, the beaver. They spend the winter there and raise their young. Muskrats eat the roots, stems, leaves, and fruits of a variety of aquatic plants, including cattail, wild rice, water lily, and rushes. Although the muskrat primarily consumes plants, it also consumes small fish, clams, snails, and even turtles.

Wikipedia Contributors. “Muskrat.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 27 Apr. 2023, Accessed 5 May 2023.

Snowy owl HB

Snowy owl

Scientific Name- Bubo scandiacus

Niche- It mantains the pop of a bunch of types of rodents.

Eating- Manely Lemmings but some others are mice,seabirds,ducks and artic foxes.

Mating Habits- One male breads with one female. but sometimes 2 females bread with one male.

Fun Facts- Bristles on their beaks make them sense nearby objects.


River Otters

Finley A.

The otter lives in the temperate deciduous forest. Their scientific name is the Lutrinae. Their niche is to prey on fish, frogs, birds, bird eggs, and crayfish. They hunt single or in pairs. When hunting they travel between 10-18 miles in search of food. The mate is usually in March or April. Usually in water but can be on land. River Otters are not picky eaters, and their semi-aquatic animals


Scientific name: Myocastor coypus.

Niche: They have webbed feet so they can swim very speedily.

Eating: They eat almost any aquatic vegatation.

Mating: They sometimes mate while they are underwater.

Fun facts: They are great swimmers. Sometimes people think they are muskrats.




The Fossa:

The scientific name of the fossa is Cryptoprocta ferox. Its niche is the low dirt grounds and its ecological is the top predator of its habtitat and it helps lower the insect population. Some of its eating habits are hunting in tall tree tops for small lemurs and insects. It has a very interesting mating system. The female will wait in a tree while multiple males fight on the ground for her. Whoever wins will get to mate with her in the tree.

Fun Facts:

The fossa is completely solitary except for mating season.

They are mostly scene in the island of Madagascar.

They have a large range of how many babies they can ave per pregnancy.

The Fossa Mili Arce

Indiana Bat AW


The Indiana bat, or Myotis sodalis, is a small, brown bat that is federally endangered. It feeds on insects, particularly moths, and uses echolocation to locate its prey. The bat hibernates in caves during winter months and gives birth to a single pup in summer. The bat has a unique fur pattern for camouflage and uses man-made structures for roosting. However, habitat loss and white-nose syndrome have contributed to the decline of the Indiana bat population.


Deciduous Flora


Please make a new subtopic with the name of your plant followed by your initials

By: Sajidah Said

Maples are deciduous trees -and sometimes shrubs-that are frequently planted for their amazing fall color as well as the shade they give. They could have a low, mounded shape, a wide spreading, round-headed shape, or a narrow, columnar shape. Maple's are often used for decrotive purposes and are most associated with the country of Canada.


Wikipedia Contributors. “Maple.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 8 Apr. 2023, Accessed 5 May 2023.

European Beech Tree

Scientific Name: Fagus sylvatica

European Beech


Yellowish-green flowers bloom on the European beech in the spring. They also produce beechnuts, which are their seeds. They are also poisonous to humans.


Pollination & Seed Dispersal

The European Beech is pollinated by the wind. It has male and female flowers on the same tree. Since the European beech produces beech nuts that protect the seeds, these nuts fall and the seeds will germinate. Some small rodents spread these nuts out.

Pollination & Seed Dispersal


European beech nuts provide food for many species even though they are poisonous to humans. European beech wood is excellent for boatbuilding, flooring, furniture, and cooking utensils.


Dogwood Tree

Dogwood Tree

Finley S.

Scientific name: Cornus florida

Flower: The flowers can be a white or purple/pink

Polination: animal pollinators such as bees, flies, and small beetles are


Uses: It is commonly used in landscape and street plantings and looks







Walter L

Scientific name:Centaurea cyanus

Flower: Big blue peddles with blue middle.

Mostly insects are attrcated to cornflowers. Cornflower is an herb. People make medicane with the dry centers. People take cornflower tea to treat fever, constipation, congestion., and water rentation.


the purple needle grass

the purple needle grass is kind of picky when they get to much shade from a non-native animal. this palnt can reproduce by pollinisation or asexually. they are usually 2-3 feet tall. they feed on nutrians in the soil.

purple needle grass


Mountain laurel

THe scientic name of the Mountain laurel is Kalmia latifolia. The name of the flower on the mountain laurel is also called Kalmia latifolia. Mountain laurel anthers are positioned under tension which is suddenly released when a bumblebee or other insect lands on the flower. If the flowers remain unpollinated, the anther will self release pollen onto the flower's own pistil. The leaves, both fresh and dried are used to make medicene. This is funny because the plant is highly posinous.

Mountain laurel (Y.S)

Gingko, Ginkgo Bilboba, Simone

The Gingko tree is the last of its genus, Ginkgoales. Their leaves when mature, look like a mini fan. In the fall, they turn a shade of gold.

Ginkgo tree

The fruit of a gingko

The ginkgo fruit is yellow and squishy when it matures, part of the fruit is unedible, being either poisonous or very bad for eating. The fruit smells awful when eaten. It may be called a fruit but it;s actually a seed.

Fruits? I think seed.


The ginkgo has 2 genders, the male and the female, the males have cones, but the female doesn't. The female has fruits, the males can have fruits to.


Walnut Tree HT

Scientific Name: Juglans

Fruit or Flower: The fruit of the walnut tree is a fleshy green drupe where the nut is encased.

Pollinate or Seed Dispersal: Walnut trees are typically pollinated by the wind. Pollen is spread from male catkins on the walnut tree to female flowers, which allows them to be produced and fertilized nuts.

Food or Medicinal: The fruit nut is a popular food. The nut, the shell of the nut hull, and the leaf are used to make medicine.

Walnut Tree

Mountain laurel


scietific name: Kalmia latifolia



did you know: From leaf,stem,branch,the mountain laurel is poisonous in all ways. The mountan laurel can even be fatal to both humans animals. The way it takes humans or animals out isn't pleasant at all. if one were to Consume it in high enough amounts and your lips, mouth and throat will burn a lot.



it has leathery leaves and large clusters of spring-blooming pink or white flowers borne at the ends of the branches. The flowers are unusual in having the anthers of the stamens held in little pockets of the corolla and released like springs when touched by an insect.


the Mountain laurel is an understory plant mixed hardwood forests. This habitat has rich soiled sites with sandy plains.



Dawn Redwood

By Pierce

Dawn Redwood


Like most other trees the redwood releases seeds that are caught by the wind and swooped away.



The dawn redwood lives in the middle percipitation levels and hotter climates.


Special Facts

What males a dawn redwood special and stand out is the changing color of its leaves.

Special Fact

Hickory HB


Scientific Name- Carya

Flower/Fruit- The nuts are edible but taste like basically nothing.

Pollination/Seed dispersal- Hickory trees are self fertile.

animals, fire, wind, explosion and water.


Scientific name: Ulmus.

Fruit/Flower: They can produce fruits after they flower.

Seed dispersal: They are carride by wind,water,and animals

Uses: they are used to make the furniture in your house.



Sphagnum moss

Sphagnum flexuosum

Like other mosses sphagnum moss disperces spores through their sporophyte phase.

Sphagnum moss Liam


Sphagnum moss is used as a substrate for humid hides in reptile terrariums quite often


Its realy soft!



Finley A.

The birch is a tree structure that is found in the deciduous forest. This tree is really skinny and has a white trunk with black. This scientific name for the birch is Betula. The birch has small clusters of flowers that hang down from the branch. The birch is a sporophyte. The birch has a lot of medical uses such as pain relief, high anti- inflammatory, and can be used for headaches, sprains, and strained muscles. It can also be used to help clear sinus congestion.

The Blue Azalea

The blue azaleas scientific name is Blue Danube. Its flower is the actual blue part that buds in the spring time. The pollination takes place when butterfies suck the nectar and release pollen. One of their many uses is for itching which it is commonly used for. Although you should never use them for internal injuries as they are poisonous.

The blue azalea

Mili Arce

All information from:


Dutchman's breeches

Scientific Name: Dicentra cucullaria

Dutchman's breeches-



At the end of a naked stem that protrudes above the leaves are clusters of three to fourteen stalked, white, occasionally pink flowers that hang down in a raceme. Although the raceme can be upright, it frequently leans or arches. The outline of the individual flowers, which are each about 34 inch long and have two opposing spurs, resembles an arrowhead or a triangle. The base of the flower has two pale yellow lobes that open like wings to reveal the stamens and style.

Pollination/Seed Dispersal

Pollination/Seed dispersal

Dutchman's breeches is one of many plants whose seeds are spread by ants, a process called myrmecochory. The ants take the seeds to their nest, where they eat the elaiosomes, and put the seeds in their nest debris, where they are protected until they germinate.


This plant was valued by Native Americans and early white practitioners for treating syphilis, skin conditions, and blood purification. The herb known as Dutchman's breeches has an alkaloid that calms the central nervous system and is used to treat tremors and paralysis.

Sycamore tree


Scientific name: Platanus occidentalis

Fruit: Round brown fruit that hang from branches

Uses: Medicine


Seed dispersal

Seed dispersal: They can blow off and the wind will move them or they will fall of the tree and get carried by wind or water

Seed dispersal

Large-flowered Trillium - AW

Large-flowered Trillium

The Large-flowered Trillium, or Trillium grandiflorum, is a stunning wildflower found in deciduous forests throughout the eastern United States. As its name suggests, it produces large, white, three-petaled flowers that are up to 3 inches in diameter. The fruit of the Large-flowered Trillium is a fleshy, red berry that is attractive to birds and mammals. The plant is pollinated by a variety of insects, including bees and flies, and its seeds are dispersed by ants. Like all plants, the Large-flowered Trillium has both a gametophyte stage and a sporophyte stage in its life cycle.

The Large-flowered Trillium has been used for medicinal purposes by Native American tribes, who used it to treat a variety of ailments, including menstrual cramps and childbirth pain. Today, it is still used in some herbal remedies. However, it is important to note that the plant is protected in many states, and harvesting it is illegal without a permit. In addition to its medicinal uses, the Large-flowered Trillium is a popular plant in the horticultural trade, where it is prized for its beauty and elegance.

Oak Tree

The scientific name for the oak tree is quercus robur. Oak trees need full sunlight to failrly shaded areas along with sandy and rich soils. Oak trees grow throughout North America. The Big Tree in Boone County is an example of an oak tree. Most live up to 400 years old but can live to 600 years old.

Oak tree


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