Born in Metropolis, IL to Isabella and Robert Turnbo in 1877
10th of 11 children
Orphaned at a young age and moved in with her sister in Peoria
Loved chemistry but had to drop out of high school
Interested in hair care/hairdressing
Created her own line of hair products
Poro Hair Products
Moved to St. Louis and sold products door to door
Opened her first shop in 1902
Copywrited her products
Poro College was a school, manufacturing plant, retail store, business offices, 500-seat auditorium, dining halls, roof garden, dorms, gymnasium, bakery, and chapel
the campus served as a center for religious and social functions
curriculum addressed the whole student from personal style to professionalism
The school and its franchise businessed created jobs for nearly 75,000 women worldwide
Poro College
Lived very modestly for being a multi-millionaire
Regularly donated thousands of dollars to the local black YMCA and Howard University College of Medicine - given an honarary degree from Howard University
Was a large benefactor of th St. Louis Colored Orphans Home - served on the board of directors for 30 years
The home was able to buy a facility on Goode Avenue which was later renamed Annie Malone Drive