Achievments of Ming&Qing dyansty
Achievments of Ming Dynasty
The Great Wall Of China
The Great Wall Of China
- The project was started by Qin dynasty.
- After the fall of Qin dynasty, Ming Dynasty took control and continued building the wall.
- The Great wall of China was one of the most extensive construction projects ever completed.
- It came to function more as a psychological barrier between Chinese civilization and the world.
- The wall was recognized as one of the most impressive architectural feats in history.
- The wall was build for defence though, it never effected invaders from entering China.
Developing The Chinese Economy
"The Ming Era"
Developing The Chinese Economy
"The Ming Era"
- During the Ming era the manufacturing era became advanced
- Ming rulers paid wages to many labors in the factory
- Around 300 factories were involved and made changes to industry.
- Han policies helped privatize many industries
- Farmers practicing the crop rotation method improved argicultural output.
- The Market economy allowed the farmers to cultivate large pieces of land for cash crop production.
- During the era there were three types of markets developed (rural market, urban-rural market, and national market.)
- Trading developed during the Ming era
- Liberalized economy helped improve trading
- Transportation
- The trading reached Europe which allowed for economic developments.
The Forbidden City
- The imperial capital was build by the Yongle Emperor of Ming Dynasty
- The Forbidden City was constructed as the Chinese imperial palace.
- It had impact on cultural and architectural developments in East Asia and elsewhere.
The Forbidden City
Achievements of Qing Dynasty
Achievments of Qing Dynasty
Extention of Ruling
- After Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty continued trying to extend territories
- With the strategy of "Ten Great Campaigns" the chinese territory extended.
- Ruled Inner Mongolia, Outer Mongolia, Xinjiang, and Tibet today known as Northeast China.
- The empire contained over 13 million square kilometers of territory
Extention of Ruling
Development of Wealth
Development of Wealth
- During the period of Qing Dynasty, markets, and trading expanded between regions and with overseas markets
- There was a large favorable trade balance with the West
- Money supply facilitating growth increased do to the in flow of silver
- Population increased with the Government initiatives
- Mostly occured during the 18th Century.