Traditional News Providers
- Explaining the media market.
- How media platforms are used for distribution.
- Compare and contrasting the different platforms.
Issues include:
- The Levison Inquiry
- Media censorship
- Decline in sales
- Rise in social media
- Citizen Journalism
- Privacy
- The first ever newspaper was written in London,1665 and was called the "The Oxford Gazette".
- The purpose of a newspaper is to inform and educate audiences in multiple different demographics at a local and national scale.
Types of Newspapers:
- Tabloid - sensationalist and entertaining.
- Broadsheet - In depth sheet of current events.
- Mid - market - both entertainment value and informative.
In comparison to other media outlets such as Radio and TV News, Newspapers was the original news outlet that can vary between hard and soft news stories for its audience.
Ideology is a set of ideas that compare ones goals, expectations and actions (Gerbner 1976)
> Ideology
- Cultivation Theory - media can influence the mind over time.
- Social class narrative - different portrayals of social class.
- Indoctrination - Brainwashing
The Daily Mirror
> The Daily Mirror
- Was founded in 1903 by Lord Northcliffe.
- Is a national mid - market tabloid.
- Is left wing and Labour supporters since 1945.
- Was originally made for woman by selling female products.
- Is now owned by Reach PLC
- Editor is Alison Phillips
- Has a 567,142 circulation
- Has a social media presents and an online version.
- PLC also own Newspapers, magazines and digital publisher.
- Has an audience of 38 million (2017)
- Revenue of 623.2 million (2017)
- Number of employees: 5,067 (2017)
- Parent company: Reach PLC
- National newspapers: Daily Mirror, People, Daily Record and the Scottish Sunday Mail.
- Subsidiary: Local World
- Regional Newspapers: 240 copies across England and Scotland.
- Regional Newspapers of Local World: 100 copies across England and Wales.
The Times
The Times
- Was founded on the 1st of January 1785 by John Walter.
- Is a national daily broadsheet.
- Is the oldest and most influential newspapers in England.
- Right wing ownership - Conservatives and labor parties - British Empire and Establishment.
- It`s Logo has British iconography and has Times New Roman invented by them.
- Was a traditional broadsheet from 1785 - 2004.
- Has a digital subscription version and a social media presents such as YouTube.
- Has a circulation of 417,248 (2019).
- The digital version has a circulation of 220,000 (2018).
- Parent Company: News Corp
- British National New: The Times, Sunday Times and News of the World.
- Subsidiary: Wireless group.
- British Regional News: London Paper.
- British Radio and Digital Broadcaster: Operates a number of radio stations across the UK.
- One in six shoppers in the UK are reached by News UK.
- The Times and Sunday Times are read in 200 countries.
- The Sun is the UK`s number one Newspaper.
- The Illusion Of Choice - Labor Sieth
Types of TV News
- National news - reports on newsworthy global stories.
- Local news - reports on noteworthy local news stories at a local angle.
- Rolling news - 24 hour coverage of global stories.
- Specialist news - 24 hours news coverage on specific genres.
> Television
The purpose of television news is to inform and educate audiences in a more visual way. It can use video as evidence for events and is a more fact - based program with live updates. In comparison to Radio and Newspapers, the TV News has the advantage of the reliability of moving image as evidence for the stories the programs will share.
Format and Conventions
Format and Conventions
- Credit sequence
- Headline/intro
- Hard News - politics
- Soft News - celebrity gossip
- Back to studio
- Sport
- Weather
- Sign off
- End credits
Conventions of Local News
- Sub genre,local, regional news
- Studio set and credit sequence with images from local area
- Is often more relaxed
- Chat and add - libs
- Friendly and informal
- Local accent
- News agenda
Conventions of Rolling News
- Emphasis on breaking news
- Prominent news crawler
- Dramatic sound
- Repeated 30 minuet news bulletin
- News agenda and coverage on hard news
- Split screen
- Live news
- Immediacy
Strengths and Weaknesses
- There is room for error.
- No time for reflect or research.
- Less time for accuracy.
- Fewer news packages.
- Detail lost.
- Audiences overwhelmed.
- Repetitive news.
- Is able to get the news broadcast quickly to it`s audience
- Is often in as much detail as it can.
- Is live news with frequent updates.
- Often a professional atmosphere.
Strengths and weaknesses
Gratification Theory
Gratification Theory suggests that audiences are media literate enough to not take too many aspects seen and heard within media texts too seriously and will not be tempted to copy what they see on TV like the Cultivation Theory (Gerbner) suggests.
The different aspects that play into the Gratification Theory include:
- Information
- Entertainment
- Companionship
- Identity
Gratification theory
News readers often wear smart suits to elicit a feeling of trust and reliability from the audience. Local news may have a coffee table to come across as humble in order to confute and involve the audience more.
> Radio
Radio News is audio based, no visuals,less live updates that can be in a specialist category such as sport. In comparison to other media outlets such as TV News and newspapers, the Radio broadcasting has an advantage as most programs tend to be more information based leading to less incidences of political bias.
Some of the surrounding issues of Radio News Bulletin include having no access to any form of visual aid. This can cause the audience to have a lack of trust in Radio presenters due to the lack of visual evidence.
This then lead to incidences such as the War Of the Worlds broadcast in 1938 when thousands of people fled their homes thinking there was an actual alien invasion due to the program not being clear enough.
The conventions of Radio broadcasting include being:
- Short
- Accurate
- Factual
- Reporting about an event
- Political
- Social
- Sports
- Business events
- 6 -8 stories
- Embedded clips of other journalists/ interviews
- Main news reader with regional voice
- 1 min - 2 min long
- Jingle
- Time check,news bulletin
- background music
Radio X- FM
- Intro/jingle
- Harsh news
- Soft news
- Weather
- Interview
- Back to studio
- Political news
- Transport news
- Sign off
- Long jingle
- Intro
- News bulletin
- Harsh news
- Soft news
- Weather report
- Local news
- Interview
- Harsh news
- Sign off
Heart FM
- Brief intro
- Hard news
- Soft news
- Interview
- Soft news
- Radio jingle
- Weather
- Soft news
- Outro
BBC Radio Five Live
- Intro
- News bulletin
- Interview clip
- Sports info
- Soft news
- Small amount of hard news
- Interview clip (politics)
- Weather
- Sign off
BBC Radio Solent
- Brief and short intro with no jingle
- Soft news
- Soft news
- Soft news
- Soft news
- Soft news
- Quick advertisement
- Sign off
Traditional New Providers
- Relaxed atmosphere
- Relaxed and soft tone
- Clear speaking voice
- Regional accent
- Well organized and professional style
Presenting styles
Radio X - FM
- Fast pace
- Regional accent
- Clear speaking voice
- Clear breaths and pauses
- More of a harsh tone but more relaxed than TV news
BBC Radio Solent
- Clear speaking voice
- Less pauses
- Relaxed tone
- Regional accent
- High pitched and exiting tone
Heart FM
- Harsh tone
- Local accent
- Clear speaking voice
- Relaxed atmosphere
- Informative style
BBC Radio 5 Live
- Relaxed style
- Local accent
- Clear speaking voice
- Less pauses
- Soft news overall