The Major Differences between Teacher-Centered and Student-Centered Pedagogies
Noor Sami
Tara Jalal
Dlawar Qadr
Srood Ahmed
Mustafa Thanoon
Hewa Hassan
Roles of teachers and students
How are students, teachers and their roles viewed?
Teacher - Centred Approach:
Teacher - Centred
Teachers are active and students are passive:
- Teacher takes a directive role, designs activities for students to meet the objectives.
- Controls student interactions.
- Uses extrinsic motivators such as grades and marks.
- Uses assessments to determine grades.
Student - Centred Approach
Student - Centered
In contrast, learner-centred education is based upon the idea of an active student:
- Students are the primary planners of their learing instead of teachers.
- The teacher is viewed as a facilitator or coach who assists students
How is knowledge viewed with the two approaches?
Teacher Centred
Knowledge is transmitted from teacher to students
Student Centred
- Teachers avoid transmissions of knowledge directly.
- Students play active role in the learning process through trying :
To make idea of what they are learning by relating it to prior knowledge and by discussing it with others
Aim of Teaching
What is teaching aimed at?
Teacher-Centred Approach
- Students exclusively listen to the teacher's talk.
- During activities, students work alone, and collaboration is discouraged.
Student-Centred Approach
Student-centred learning puts students interests first:
- Acknowledging student voice as central to the learning experience.
- Cooperative learning--> a group of students work together to complete a given task.
Enhances student-to student interaction and this aids the students to seek for understanding
Preferred Classroom
What classroom setting is preferred?
In Teacher-Centred
~Quiet classroom:
- The classroom remains orderly.
- Students are quiet
- The teacher retain full control of the classroom and its activities.
In Student-Centred
~Noisy and busy classroom:
- The students are not bored.
- They are very curious, eager to learn, and willing to do whatever it takes to learn.
- The environment encourages students to become independent learners and ultimately to be in charge of their own education
Students Assessments
How are Students Assessed?
In Teacher-Centred
- Giving on demand assignments such as worksheets and essays must be finished in time.
- Grading every assigment and test and recording the grade.
- Exams for summative purposes.
In Student-Centred
- Active learning
- Assignments for formative purposes
- Collaborative learning
- Community service learning
- Cooperative learning
- Online, asynchronous, self-directed learning
- Problem-based learning
- learning is assessed directly through papers, projects, performances, and groups.
What is the dominant teaching method?
Dominant Teaching Method
In Teacher-Centred
- Textbook dominated instructions.
- Listening to teacher's lectures (all focus on teacher).
- Independent learning, often in competition for grades.
In Student-Centred
- Students construct knowledge by integrating new learning into what they already know.
- Learning is viewed as a thinking and social activity:
The application of discussion-oriented activities helps students deal with multiple perspectives and build a community of dignity for diverse ideas.
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Boston: Allyn and Bacon.