~Cry the Beloved Country~
Hello Fellow Classmates!
Learning Goal:
We hope to bring to light the importance of incorporating the setting (the places where the story happens) into your analysis of the story. We also hope you enjoy being reminded of all the places you may have forgotten after reading Cry the Beloved Country
Journey Map
In the lower region is places like Carisbrooke, Ndotsheni, the valleys, and Ixopo
In the upper region is Johannesburg and the villages surrounding it: Pimville, Sophiatown, Orlando, Alexandria
- Climate
- Arid -> Rainforest -> Mountains
- Industry
- Disasters
- Hardships
- Political
- Medical
- Social
- Income inequality
South Africa
- Mining and farming
- Climate
- Apartheid
- Acts as an antagonist
- Still a major city in South Africa
- Mines are the source of a lot of racial inequality
- Brings out greed in everybody, no matter the colour of skin
- Something is wrong with this city setting
- Corrupt and evil, but still attractive
- Connection to Christian life
- A suburb of Johannesburg
- Athur Jarvis lived here and was murdered by Absalom
- Athur's funeral is held in the Parkwold Church
- James Jarvis shakes hands with black people for the first time
Arthur Jarvis' Study
Reflection of his life
In it, his father finds:
- Letters from important people
- Many books
- Writings
- Wall pictures
The Gold Mines
- A great source of wealth for white South Africans
- Exploitation of black South Africans
- A source of tension between the races
- John Kumalo speaks out about equally sharing the profits of the mines between blacks and whites and for better wages and justice to be served
The Gold Mines
- Absalom's girlfriend lives here
- Conditions are barely better than those of Shanty Town
- Stephen goes here to retrieve Absalom's girlfriend
- She lived in a house with many others as a renter
The Low Place
Infertile land, extreme poverty
Wasted land of old men and children
Also the segregated place where Kumalo and his wife lived, sheltering them from the events in Johannesburg
The church
- A simple and rough building
- It symbolizes an unpretentious and humble faith
- Stephen Kumalo practically owns it
- The leaky roof for which there is no money to repair is the ultimate symbol of the decline of the village
- Jarvis' offer to build a new church symbolizes friendship and restoration
Discussion Question
What do you think are reasons why the church and village of Ndotsheni suffered so much?
- The education?
- Their relationship with God?
- The climate?
High Place in
Arthur Jarvis' home and farm
Holds symbolic significance, both with the two father characters and being the holy place, close to God
Discussion Question
Do you have any other ideas as to why Paton talks about this high place so often?
- Dubala and bus boycott
- blacks own property, town is so crim ridden, white neighbours petition to have it destroyed
- Mrs. Mkize
- Hlabeni drives them back to Johannesburg
- Black people go here to rent rooms and houses
- 10,000 are living in other people's houses
- The taxi-driver tells Stephen and Msimangu that Absalom went here
Shanty Town
Impoverished makeshift group of huts where the over population of people had to go due to lack of lodging space in Johannesburg
The shanty town is up overnight
- No major events take place here
- It is mentioned many times as people travel to and from places in South Africa
Referred to as the old and new teacher have a small argument about whether or not they should sing "God Save Africa"
Alan Paton's birthplace
Split into two even teams
Line up along opposite walls
One person from each team will be quetioned at a time
The winner move over a row, loser stays
First team to have 2 people in the center of the room wins
Works Cited