THE NOZZLE FORWARD - 1.75" Preconnect
Hood River Fire & EMS
A program developed by Aaron Fields.
3 Things that kill FF:
- Fire Above
- Fire Below
- Intensifying Conditions
By combining what we already know with what we will be learning, The Nozzle Forward can help mitigate these risks.
Hose Lengths
Combination vs Smooth Bore
What We Have
Preconnect 1:
Preconnect 2:
Preconnect 3:
Front Bumper:
House Bundles:
Hose Lengths
Fog = 150gpm
Smooth bore = 185gpm
Smooth Bore:
- Pros:
- Reach
- Penetration
- Lower nozzle reaction
- Lower PDP
- Increased GPM
- Cons:
- Non-variable stream
- Poor foam production
- Poor hydraulic ventilation
Combo Nozzle:
- Pros:
- Variable stream selection
- Foam production
- Hydraulic ventilation
- Cons:
- Easier to clog
- Bulkier than smooth bore
- Increased nozzle reaction
- Decreased GPM
- Possibility of being under pumped
- Patterns can change easily
Smooth Bore
More hose/Less hose
Bump (up/down)
Distance = # of paces (e.g., Forward "5")
What we can expect to find at a structure
Pre Plans
3 Options:
1. Accordian Forward - do this always unless you can't. Good for longer and straighter stretches.
2. "V" Split - good for coming around a corner and shorter stretches.
3. Coil/Prop - good for confined spaces.
Rig to the Door
Nozzle person:
- Estimating the stretch
- How and where to deploy
- Calling the shots
- Standing vs Kneeling
- Stationary vs Moving
- Dead toe vs Live toe
- Attack style
- Arm's length of hose - reach the tip of the
nozzle with lead hand
- Keep bail on same side of lead hand
2-Person Nozzle Work:
- "Heel"
- Communication with nozzle person
- Coordination with nozzle person
- Priority - shagging hose and backing up
the nozzle person
- Stay several feet behind the nozzle
- Another set of eyes
- Bump off to search, shag hose, etc. . .
FF @ every pinch point.
It's about moving the right amount of hose.
Nozzleperson should turn corners on outside wall.
Offload - lay hose in opposite direction of travel.
Remember the angles
Hose Mgt
Nothing replaces staffing.
Hose should feed straight to nozzle.
Move hose with our legs and finish with our hands.
Nozzle person should never pull hose.
Move hose to and from mid span (distance b/t 2 friction points.
When the line stops - "heel" makes "S" surplus hose.
Keys to Success
The Attacking Handline
Water is the single most effective way
to break the fire triangle and control the environment.
Water creates and maintains survivable space.
In our modern fire environment:
- Time to Flashover ~ 3:40 mm:ss
- Preventing Flashover
- Keeping smoke below 400 degrees
- The Push
Fire rebound video:
Watch UL videos on "The Nozzle Forward" website.
- Under "Resources" and "The Attacking Handline".
TAKE space by using the full reach of the stream.
- Controls the temperature and pressure gradient.
- Water creates survivable space for us and victims.
- We exists in this space!
MAKE space stops the production of heat. We make the atmosphere contract by cooling the environment (e.g., solid fuels and gases).
CONTROL the environment by flowing sufficient volume of water.
- Use reach of stream to work ahead. Water is the tip of the spear.
- Water must coat solid fuels to remove heat and stop gas production, preventing the heat from re-radiating back into the environment.
- Seal off each space as you move.
- Flowing handline gains control of the space. It draws fresh air behind and pushes toxic environment away.
Sweep the Floor
- cools the floor ahead of you and sweeps debris away.
- brings in fresh air behind you.
Flow n Go
- Stationary line doesn't control the environment or seal off space.
Occupy As Little Space As Possible
- The quicker we get the temperature down, the less steam we create, therefore less steam in the compartment.
Attack Basics
Flowing while advancing isn't new. Before SCBA's, FF had to "push". It made it better for everyone, because they had to survive in the same environment.
- Sufficiently cool the box in order to stop combustion, cool the environment, and contract the atmosphere.
- You must flow long enough to get control over the space, otherwise the fire will return.
- Do not pencil.
- Look for high level of water return to the floor.
- Water must penetrate the thermal column, stop combustion and the remaining water fall back through the column without steaming.
- Suspended products of combustion LIFT as gases in the compartment cool and contract.
- LIFT may not always be noticeable, but a cooled environment is more survivable.
Hit & Move
- Ideal for vent controlled fires and rollovers (e.g., compartment)
- Apply water to rollover and "push it back", or hit the seat of the fire
- Once the target darkens down, shut down the line & advance
- Repeat until you reach the seat of the fire.
- Walk in as far as you can then use either:
- Clamp slide
- Knee walk
The "Push"
- When "Hit & Move" isn't working - fire is rebounding
- Fire extended beyond the origin into hallway and adjacent rooms
- Flowing while advancing the line
- Inverted U-pattern/O pattern
- water to the walls --> ceiling --> walls and sweep the floor
- Knee walk
Attack Fire + Moving Gases + Making Space = Saving Lives (CPR)
Attack Style
"As the first line goes so does the fire."
- Andy Fredericks
Universal stretch - accordian forward until you can't.
Fastest and cleanest stretch
Stretched towards the target - straight
Give yourself enough room before your target
Watch "Accordian Forward" video on "The Nozzle Forward" website.
- Under "Resources" and "Skillz".
Accordian Forward
Good for coming around the corner
Our 2nd choice
Watch "V-Split" video on "The Nozzle Forward" website.
- Under "Resources" and "Skillz".
"V" Split
Good for confined spaces.
Ensure proper coiling otherwise it can become a knot.
Wall Prop:
Watch "Coil-Prop" video on "The Nozzle Forward" website.
- Under "Resources" and "Skillz".
- Basis for both standing or ground.
- Foundation for 1.75" handlines.
- Create "shelf" b/t hip & top of thigh and press down with back hand.
- Keep an arm's length of hose in front (you should be able to touch the tip of nozzle with your lead hand.
- Keep bale on same side of your lead hand.
- Body mechanics keep nozzle rxn/weight of the line on the skeleton/big muscles.
- Used for knee walks.
- Remember "live toe".
Hip Grip
Watch "Hip Grip" video on "The Nozzle Forward" website.
- Under "Resources" and "Skillz".
- Stationary ops or "hit & move".
- Ankle/shin presses down on line using body weight
- Nozzle rxn is absorbed by the ground.
- Remember "dead toe".
- Frees up the "heel" to pull more hose, search, etc . . .
Watch "da' Clamp" video on "The Nozzle Forward" website.
- Under "Resources" and "Skillz".
Da' Clamp
- "Hit & Move"
- Plant your back hand down and use your back leg/hips to drive forward.
- Body mechanics/body weight acts like a pendulum.
- Allows you to reset into position to make a fire attack.
- "Heel" work is important in helping to move the attack line.
Watch "Clamp Slide" video on "The Nozzle Forward" website.
- Under "Resources" and "Skillz".
Clamp Slide
- The Push - flowing while advancing.
- Advancing to seat of fire while extinguishing extension and rollover along the way.
- Lots of coordination with heel - communication is key.
Knee Walk
- Communication with nozzle person
- Coordination with nozzle person
- Priority - shagging hose and backing up the nozzle person
- Stay several feet behind the nozzle person until you're needed.
- Another set of eyes
- Bump off to search, shag hose, etc. . .
Watch "Heel Work" video on "The Nozzle Forward" website.
- Under "Resources" and "Skillz".
Putting it all together for The Push!
- Nozzle work
- Heel work
- Moving and managing hose
Nozzle Forward
We can Hit & Move or Push above & below grade.
Lots of coordination and communication with heel.
Watch "Stairs Up" and "Stairs Down" video on "The Nozzle Forward" website.
- Under "Resources" and "Skillz".
Above & Below Grade