Rakiya Battle
Foundation of Education
Alabama A&M University
World Roots of American Education
- We will review American Education and the roots of where everything originated.
- Storytelling was practiced and survival skills were shown.
- Education was used to pass on culture and traditions.
Education Cultures
Education Cultures
- Ancient Chinese Civilization was legalism, taoism, and confucianism.
- Legalist wanted education to show Chinese culture through indoctrination.
Part 2
- Taoism wanted education to promote education as self-reflection and find true reality.
- Confucian wanted to focus on living in present rather than worrying about after life.
- National examinations is educational legacy from Ancient China
- Ancient Egypt practiced divine emperorship. They developed hieroglyphic scripts. Boys studied about future professions.
- Hebraic Tradition transmitted religious beliefs from one generation to the next. Sacred covenant between God and humankind emphasized. Monotheism introduced.
- Ancient Greek and Rome represents origins of western culture. In ancient Greek, only minority of women were formally educated. Education centered on questions like what is true?
- Islamic culture begin with Mohammed who preached faith, prayer, and living moral life. Prayer practiced in Islam
Part 3
- Medieval Culture was period between the fall of Rome and the Renaissance. Primary education was connected to church. Offered religious and liberal arts curricula. Class and gender limited schooling to a minority. Most people were illiterate. Believed the Bible and church doctrine's conveyed supernatural truths.
- Renaissance was period between medieval and modern ages. Educators called humanists. Teaching based on literature rather than theology. Children with low socioeconomic status received little to no formal education.
Part 4
- Confucius wanted a structured, highly stable society.
- Socrates emphasized rational self-examination
- Plato Believed people can be classified based on intellect
- Aristotle taught rationality should guide human conduct.
- Isocrates stressed the role of discourse for social and political improvement.
- Quintilian believed certain people have the capacity for leadership skills.
- Aquinas stressed people possess both spiritual and physical nature.
- Erasmus believed people are capable of achievements and stupidity.
- Luther believed people were saved by faith.
Educational theorists
- In my presentation, I gave complete background of the cultures and roots of early education. How we got to where we are now and the beliefs that the people before us had.
What’s next
We continue to grow and learn as educators the best way to teach and pass on the information to the future of our society.
What’s next