Relationship Between Mental Health and Physicial Health
Created and Presented by
- Suha
- Yoomin
- Shabeeba
- Shahaamath
- Sobaaha
- Definition of mental and physical health
- Importance of
- Physical health
- Mental health
- Linking physical and mental health
- Tools to assess the association between the two
- Conclusion
WHO Definition
“ Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely an absence of the disease or infirmity”
Physicial Health
A state in which every cell and every organ is functioning at optimum capacity and in perfect harmony with the rest of the body (Park, 2019)
Physical Health
Mental Health
“State of well-being in which the individual realises his or her own abilities , can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her community “ (WHO)
Mental Health
Mental and Physical health
Linking Physical and mental health
- Psychological factors can induce all kinds of illness including chronic physical conditions
- People with chronic physical conditions: at risk of developing poor mental health
- Disruption in mental equilibrium: usually involves a biological component
How mental health affects physicial health
- Depression-
- Poor eating habits
- Lack of exercise
- Chronic illnesses
- Mood and anxiety disorders-
- Associated with a variety of behavioural issues:
- Smoking
- Problems with alcohol
- Physical inactivity
- Low motivation
- Disrupt your ability to think clearly, make healthy decisions
- Lead to severe health conditions:
- High blood pressure and/or heart rate
- Heart disease
- Obesity
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Weakened immune system
- Premature death
Mental- Physical
- Dr. Thomas Buckley, lead author of the study, said, “Our findings confirm what has been suggested in prior studies and anecdotal evidence…that episodes of intense anger can act as a trigger for a heart attack.”
- In the two hours following a bout of intense anger a person’s risk of heart attack becomes 8.5 times higher
- In the case of anxiety, the risk of heart attack rises 9.5 fold in the following two hours
Published in European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care
Anger, Anxiety, and Heart Health
Chronic Physical Illness can lead to mental illnesses
Physical- Mental
- Directly or indirectly
- Mainly by affecting hormones
- Parkinson's Disease- Involves abnormalities in the dopamine system
- Medications used for treatment can affect a person mentally
- Steroids- anxiety is a side effect
- Corticosteroids- may cause depression by their effect on serotonin levels
- Misunderstood by family and friends
Importance of Physical and mental health
- Improves mood
- Boost energy level
- Help combat health issues
- Improve thinking and cognition
- Increase life expectancy
- Affects financial stability
- Reduce risk of injury
- Effect on family
- Good emotional wellbeing
- Can cause disabilities
Effects on Financial Stability
Finacial Stability
- People who suffered from mental illness- earned 40% less than those in good mental condition (American Journal of Psychiatry)
- Folks with untreated mental illness make up 1/3rd of the overall homeless population (American Journal of Psychiatry)
- Can kill productivity- over 200 million workdays are gone each year due to depression (WHO)
- Treating chronic diseases accounts for 86% of US healthcare costs (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, US)
Effect on life expectancy
Life Expectancy
- 94% increased risk of death- people suffering from chronic mental issues (British Medical Journal, 2012)
- Mental disorders - a source of lost years among women aged 15-44 years (The Global Burden of Disease: 2004 update, WHO)
- Taking more steps a day helps to lower premature death from all causes.
Untreated severe mental illness, instability, or handicap leading to dangers
Effect of untreated severe mental illness
- Men with major mental disorders- 21/2 times more likely to be registered for a criminal offence and 4 times more for a violent offence, compared to men with no disorder
- Women with major mental disorders- 5 times more likely to be registered for a criminal offence and 27 times more for a violent offence, compared to women with no disorder
- Studies have estimated 18-55% of SMI have attempted to suicide
Tools to assess the relationship Between physical and mental health
- Pearson's product moment correlation
- Longitudinal Study
- Mediation analysis
Research Methods
Pearson's Product Moment Correlation
Pearson's Product Movement Correlation
- A measure of strength and direction of association that exists between two variables measured on at least an interval scale
- Set of data is collected for two variables
- Coefficient is calculated using equation shown
- If r is closer to -1: Negative correlation
- If r is closer to +1: Positive correlation
- If r is closer to 0: No correlation
"The relationship between physical inactivity and mental wellbeing: Findings from a gamification-based community-wide physical activity intervention": Published on Health Psychology Open
What is it?
Mediation Analysis
"There is no health without mental health." (WHO)
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