Lincoln Bundy- The Power of One!
By: Lexi Wittwer and Lily Richardson
The Lincoln Influence
"... that for these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave th last full measure of devotion that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain..."
Abraham Lincoln
November 19, 1963
Life on the Arizona Strip
The Arizona Strip
- Born: St. George, UT February 12, 1918
- Grew up in Mt. Trumbull, AZ
Pearl Harbor
- Family gathers around the radio to hear Roosevelt December 8, 1941.
- Lincoln was ready to "go at 'em".
Enlistment and Training
- Enlisted: January 23, 1942 - Army Air Force in Las Vegas, Nevada
- Pilot Requirement: high school diploma - Lincoln had 9th grade education.
- Greenville Army Flying School in Greenville, MIssissippi
- Southeast Army Air Forces Training Center
Service Before Joining the Fight
- Second Lieutenant in Army Air Forces-$250/month
- Chose to fight instead of instruct
- P-51 Mustang-White Angus Two
April ,1944-back to Trumbull
Into the Fight
- 486th Fighter Squadron of the 352nd Fighter Group
- Stationed in Bodney, England
D-Day +4
- Crossed English Channel before daylight and flew over Normandy
- Fixed on Target - German Amunition Truck
- Hit by flack near La Mailleraue-1015 hours
March 1996-52 Years Later
- Sheriff Glenwood Humphries received letter from Bob Powell (historian of the 352nd)
- Lincoln's name was on Memorial Wall of the Missing at the American Cemetery in Cambridge, England
- Author Paul McCue found Lincoln's Grave
- Requested family's information.
William Pfeffer
- McCue connected the Bundys to William Pfeffer - preserver of American Pilot Liberators' History
- Sent correspondence to the Bundy family
- Logs of Lincoln's contributions in the War
- A piece of Lincoln's plane
Bundy Family Goes to France
- Memorial Service 2002
- William Pfeffer served as tour guide
Bundy Family Goes to France - Crulai
- "Every morning of my life at 11:00, I think about Lieutenant Bundy and the liberty he gave us." - Etienne Cohu
- They were told Lincoln would never be forgotten.
Bundy Family Goes to France - Crulai
- While in Crulai they met Patrick and Catherine de Goussencourts who take them to the crash site.
- They were told Lincoln would never be forgotten.
A Long Walk
Crulai to Poitiers (200 mile walk)
Bundy Family Goes to France - Poitiers
Operation Bullbasket
- British SAS (Special Air Service) paratroopers who were trying to sabotage German efforts to defend German occupied France
- SAS group ambushed by Germans
- Lincoln joined group on July 1, 1944
Lincoln's Capture
- July 3, 1944 - surrounded and captured by 400 German SS (Schutzstaffel)
- 30 British SAS and 1 American pilot become POW's
- Imprisoned in Poitiers
Lincoln's Death
- Commando Order - the German Soldiers had to kill the group or be killed themselves
- Lincoln shot by firing squad on July 7, 1944
- Buried in three mass graves
- Three German Officers convicted of war crimes on April 1, 1947
Finding the Mass Graves
- A group of boar hunters found the mass graves in December of 1944
- 30 SAS identified by names on clothes
- One buried in French civilian clothing was quickly identified as American Pilot, 2nd Lt Lincoln Bundy
Purple Heart Award
- Awarded June 11, 1945
- Received by Great Nephew Major Daniel Bundy, US Air Force November 13, 2018
Visitors to the Grave
- September 2002 - Rom, France
Poppies Laid and Tears Flood the Grave