NASW Work Case Management
12 Standards for Social Work
8. Interdisciplinary and
Inter-organizational Collaboration
9. Practice Evaluation & Improvement
4. Cultural & Linguistic Competence
11. Workload Sustainability
6. Service Planning, Implementation & Monitoring
12. Professional Development & Competence
- NASW Standards are nationally applied as an eternal reminder to social workers to remain competent in the knowledge and skills necesssary to adequately practice casework.
- The standards present as a guideline to govern the actions surrounding social casework; it provides a standard quality of service each social worker should abide by.
- There are 12 general principals that fall under the NASW Standards that we will review.
Standard 1. Ethics & Values
Case managers follow a strict code involving ethics & values based around 6 core values:
The mission of VAPHS is to honor America's Veterans with world-class health care, train their future providers and advance medical knowledge through research.
- Service
- Social Justice
- Integrity
- Competence
- Dignity & Worth of the Person
- Importance of Human Relationships
Standard 2. Qualifications
- The social work case manager requires a baccalaureate or advanced degree in social work from a school accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.
- Compliance with the licensing and certification varies dependent on state or jurisdiction
2. Qualifications
ASWB - Association Social Work Boards:
- Masters-level exam
- PA requires a 70% or above to successful pass board exam
- Licensed Social Worker need at least 3000 clinical setting over 2-6 years.
There is a constant need for the social worker to stay current on theory, evidence-informed practice, socio-historical context, policy,
research, and evaluation methods relevant to case management. - Either from national, legal, organizational standards.
- VAPHS utilizes a Talent Management Software system to educate employees of current and updated process as they are implemented. Social workers are mandated to adhere to all established standards and are reminded to remained informed of policy and its amendments.
4. Cultural and Linguistic Competence
- NASW Standards state that social wokrers should express cultural and linguistic competence in their client interacion.
- Awareness of cultural and linguistic diversity is necessary while executing affirming and respectful service in a social work setting.
- The rule reminds social workers to remain empathetic and considerate when approaching diverse backgrounds.
** The veteran population is a specific group that consists a lot of varying cultural backgrounds. Staff is well-versed on cultural diversity. The VA relies on a culture of ethics that support an array of ethnicity and lifestyles.
VAPH provides education on identifying the dimensions of diversity and gives guidelines on respectful approaches for engaging with diverse backgrounds.
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VAPHS Resources
6. Service Planning, Implementation & Monitoring
Social workers shall collaborate with clients to plan, implement, monitor, and modify individualized services that promote client strengths and advance clients’ well-being.
Va Hospital of Pittsburgh offers an array of humanity services dedicated to support veterans achieve a healthy lifestyle. Extensive planning is available for coordination in the areas of:
- Marriage & Family Counseling
- LGTB Services
- Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation
- PTSD Support
- Housing Assistants
- Employment Seeking & Career Development Services
- Support of Family Member with a Terminal Illness
5. Assessment
The assessment standard expresses a need for the social worker to continually strive to receive information that can assist in achieving client goals. There is an on-going quest to gather information and revise planning while identifying client needs, strengths, or challenges.
Standard 10. Record Keeping
"The social work case managers are required to appropriately document client records in a timely manner. Social work
documentation shall be recorded on paper or
electronically and shall be prepared, completed,
secured, maintained, and disclosed in accordance
with regulatory, legislative, statutory, and organizational requirements." - Standards for Social Work Case Management
- All VA providers are expected to accurately and appropriately document veteran progress. Each encounter and pertinent fact should be collected and safely stored.
- An abundance of documentation is required to uphold social work standards.
- Electronic systems are utilized to store and share information.
8. Interdisciplinary and
Inter-organizational Collaboration
The social work case manager shall promote
collaboration among colleagues and organizations
to enhance service delivery and facilitate client
goal attainment.
- VAPHS strives to create a strong mode of patient centered care by providing continuity of services.
- Care is closely monitored and shared through electronic database.
- Social work case managers correspond and share notes with clinical and service providers to ensure progress.
- Social workers coordinate services offered under the VA administration as well as with multiple affiliates as well to help facilitate the best service for our patients.
Standard 8. Advocacy & Leadership
The social worker is expected to advocate for
the rights, decisions, strengths, and needs of
clients and should re-enforce client access to
resources, supports, and services.
The VA Hospital of Pittsburgh encourages employees on all levels to advocate for patient needs and build upon a progressing system. We encourage forward & innovative thinking from not only our social workers but the rest of our care team as well.
- One Mode Consult Scheduling
- Patient Translation Services for Communication Disorders
- Facilitative Services
- Patient Advocacy
- Grant Money and Budget for Leadership Activity
Additional VA Resources
Standard 12. Professional Development & Competence
Each social worker shall assume responsibility in their personal development and competence in accordance to the NASW standards, code of ethics, and certification.
Standard 11. Workload Sustainability
It is imperative for social workers to responsibly
advocate for caseloads and that involve high-quality planning, provision, and evaluation of services.
- Caseloads that require assistance from outside sources requires sometimes the facilitation of the social worker
- Access to technology and shared communication assists social workers in completing extensive caseloads.
- Strong teamwork is encouraged to support the intricate details of a caseload.
- Social workers should evaluate the current workload prior to accepting new responsibility.
Being sure not to create a burdensome situation
Standard 9. Practice Evaluation & Improvement
- The social work team performs ongoing, formal evaluation of her or his practice to promote client wellness.
- Assessment of the appropriateness and effectiveness of services and supports, ensure competence.
- Practice improvement should be implemented when the need presents.
Not only is it important for the social worker to constantly practice evaluation & Improvement with their current client and caseloads, these are essential in improving quality of service for future cases also.
- National Association of Social Workers
Jeane W. Anastas, PhD, LMSW
Elizabeth J. Clark, PhD, ACSW, MPH
Chief Executive Officer
Social Work Case Management